November 2015



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September 22nd, 2015

[info]deployed in [info]rooms

Locks: Pepper P, Clementine M, Cris M

[Pepper P]

Hi there, Ms. Potts.

[Clementine M]

I called out from work with a family emergency, I figure in a week or so I'll kill off a relative and buy a little more time to try and help you friends if I can.

But more importantly....

I feel like we are at the point in our relationship where I can tell you that I've been wondering and thinking that you might be having some feelings. All kinds of feelings, probably some shit ones as of late. Me too.

So. I, Dr. Penny Ross, have devised an alternative solution.

Please welcome....

From the woman who made eating your feelings fun again....

Penny's Fried Peach Pies

[Cris M]


[info]recursion in [info]rooms

Gotham University News

[Early Tuesday evening, three police cars and a SWAT truck show up to the Freshman dorm at GU. Someone is being made an example of. From the fourth floor, there are loud protests from one of the female students trying to argue her way out of the inevitable arrest. "Some guy just died!" "There's a murderer out there!" "Your priorities are messed up!" "I didn't do anything wrong!" "I know my rights!" "Am I being charged with a crime?" Etc etc.

Regardless, a tiny nerd girl (Donna if you're nasty~) is removed from the building in handcuffs, along with any electronic devices she had in her room. The police make sure that they have made enough noise to get the building's residents' attention, answering any questions with vague reassurance that the immediate threat has been dealt with.]

[info]ex_determine89 in [info]rooms

[In Person: Louis & Peggy]


Thai restaurant below makes this safehouse particularly fragrant. Exterior windows lit by the blue neon sign at street level below the frames. Refrigerator hum is loud, but wall insulation is thick, and restaurant murmur very muted.

An arm, still boasting the shiny Witchblade, is knocking on the Louis' makeshift bedroom door. Polite. Tap tap.]

[info]thelazarus in [info]rooms


Did somebody just get arrested who wasn't the person that just murdered someone?

[info]willpower in [info]rooms


[Public, but locked away from Jules]
[During this]

Why do all the hot ones have to be crazy as fuck?