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March 18th, 2015

[info]ex_perspecti86 in [info]rooms


Are there any other doors that I ought to be wary of?

[info]tinieblas in [info]rooms

Cris M

[A few hours after this, while she's waiting for Cris to come back from a scene he was called to unexpectedly. The brownstone is warm and nice and safe, yeah? But she's antsy as fuck.]

[Note left on Cris M's kitchen counter]
Hey. I need to get out, ok? Meet me once you're off?

[Scribbled below is the address to a Bronx latin club. But when the bartender calls out last call, there's still no sign of Cris. She doesn't have a key to get back in the townhouse, and she doesn't want to bother him on a scene, so she heads back to the hostel and figures he'll be in touch when he's available.]

[info]flashofvenom in [info]rooms

quicklog: flash and gwen at the hospital

[For the most part, Flash had no fucking idea what was going on.

He knew there were a lot of different strangers who had touched his body over the course of the past...(two? one?) however long he was in there for. He knew he should have died and he knew he wasn't going to because that's not how the comics went. All roads lead to Flash losing his legs and it didn't really matter how the fuck he got there. When he woke up, he looked down to see the flat blanket where his calves should be and he chuckled hoarsely. The good news was that he could still use his Venom suit, that Venom would give him his legs back. The bad news was that in the comics, it threatened to make Venom more addictive than it already was.

It didn't matter how many years he had spent gearing himself up for this, he wasn't ready for it. Without his legs he couldn't go back to Skyrim. Without his legs, he'd be the guy everyone felt sorry for instead of looked up to. He couldn't run off to other doors to save the day, he couldn't do anything good without Venom. All of that, the realization that he wasn't going to be able to be himself anymore, came crashing down hard all at once. He coughed out a few angry sobs, tears smearing down his cheeks and rolling back to his ears. Yeah, he'd let himself cry about it in private and then move past all of this shit. He had to.

A couple minutes of angry, gross crying and then he was done. Flash wiped his eyes, reached for the water placed next to his bed and sat up to try and get the CMT channel on the tv.]