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January 30th, 2015

[info]luckythirteen in [info]rooms

Log: Carter Laaaadies.

Who: Sharon Carter and Peggy Carter
What: Bumping into each other.
Where: In a park!

Stuff )

[info]head in [info]rooms

Quicklog: Ra's and Iris

[It was Rafiq that delivered the message. Iris was in the library, Abida with her, and growing more distressed while writing in her journal. Writing, reading, these things normally did not upset his Colombe, and he knew which journal she must be writing in then.

A furrow etched between his eyebrows as he left his laboratory behind, his own journal closed on the counter, the conversation between he and the Detective silenced. His men could function without him being there, but Iris? There were no shots he was willing to have administered to her, not in her current state. Whatever was distressing her had to be removed and he would have to calm her, as he had done before, and then he could return to his work.

Moving quickly through his home, his steps slowed at the library door and he stepped inside, fully expecting to see her bent over, hands clutching at her sides, misery and fear written into the bow of her spine.] Colombe?

[info]strikethose in [info]rooms

narrative+news update: marvel

Who: Louis Donovan
What: Visiting Cris's apartment + a spot of murder (narrative)
Where: Cris's apartment in Marvel
When: Tonight
Warnings/Rating: Violence

He was inside the apartment. He didn't have a key. )

[News Update: Marvel]

[At 9:31 Friday night, emergency vehicles are called to the Gentle Valley Mortuary in the Bronx. In the basement, two corpses are discovered scorched almost to the bone, lying inside a pair of spare coffins that are nearly untouched. No accelerant is found on the bodies, and there is no DNA evidence. The bodies were so thoroughly destroyed by fire that they have yet to be identified.

There is growing concern that a serial killer is responsible, possibly a mutant due to the lack of evidence explaining how the crime was committed in any of the three cases. At least for now, the NYPD deny that they have any mutant suspects. They will state, though, that they believe the crimes are linked, and request anyone with relevant information call their tip line.]

[info]tinieblas in [info]rooms

Marvel, shopping: Casey & Sam

[Sam wasn't really in the mood to shop. Yeah, ok, so she wasn't really in the mood to do anything but sleep on Cris' couch and wait for him to come back, so she could end this farce. But she had Teresita to worry about, and the little girl with the dark eyes and the bright smile was hard to be down around. And there was something hella comforting about patterns, yeah? Like things done without thought. Getting Teresita up in the mornings, making breakfast, getting the little girl dressed. Making sure Teresita got to school, and then Sam went home to sleep for the rest of the day. Then back up again when school ended, like life wasn't a complete fucking pretense between one school bell and the next.

Nights were better. Sam hadn't gone to get her welding stuff from Lou's, but she had the paints that Russ had taken to Ocean's, and it was comfortable or whatever, making dinner and then sitting around with a sketchpad as Teresita did her homework and asked a thousand fucking questions about everything.

The brownstone was messier than normal, but Sam didn't notice. Opera played through shitty iPhone speakers, and she explained the lyrics and helped Teresita to repeat the words as something played, muted, in the background on Telemundo. Then bedtime, and Sam was alone, and she could stop pretending.

But today was different, yeah? She'd promised Casey a shopping trip and, after Teresita went to school, Sam took the subway to where she was meeting him. Borrowed track pants, a sweatshirt and hoodie, and none of it fit right. Her dark hair was in two long braids, and she smoked a clove as she waited on the sidewalk.]

[info]tinieblas in [info]rooms

Neil D, Cris M

[Locked to Neil D]
[After this.]
Lou broke in while I was out today. The guards recognized him or whatever. He's not here now, and I tried his place, yeah? He's not there either.

[Locked to Cris M]
[While she waits here.]
I know you're pissed at me and busy, but. ¿Tienes un minuto?

[info]spacecowboys in [info]rooms

Gotham: News, Steve R, Bruce B

[It's quiet. So quiet. Under the radar, and deals made beneath tables. The Falcones take over little fish when no one's looking, and the kitty cat in the corner just watches with crossed paws as it happens. The larger ceasefire remains, and the stupid little people of the smoggy city think it's really peace. Silly little things, and the powers are down to two - Maroni and Falcone - and that's trouble. War, and she knows what it looks like when the lines of battle are being drawn. Time to make choices, and it's not like she can talk to Bruce about it. Not now, when he's busy with other things. Gotham sleeps, and ten Marconi soldiers die. The docks run with blood, the bodies of boys left to bloat in the salt and sun. It's a harbinger.]

[Locked to Robert B]
Still angry?

[Locked to Steve R]
Meow, Stevie.

[info]incharge in [info]rooms

louis d.

[After this.]

[locked to louis d.]

Louis, if you don't tell me where you are right now I promise you I'll tear the city apart until I find you.