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October 19th, 2014

[info]jukejoint in [info]rooms

Gwen D, Thomas B, Lin A

[Sent electronically to Gwen D]
[A list of potential clients. She has the ones she likes best marked with an asterisk.]

[Locked to Thomas B]
[Information on the old, retired military nanny she's just finished doing a background check on.] I can afford to get her a place across the hall, if any of what Dailey's looking at pans out. It'll be good to have it in place before Halloween.

[Locked to Lin A]
Update, kid.

[info]hauntedsoul in [info]rooms

marvel, log: graham, shane, clem

Who: Graham, Shane, Clem
What: Drinking + dancing.
Where: Bembe (& a hotel).
When: Recentish.
Warnings/Rating: Mostly tame.

She wasn't near sober for any of that reasoning; she just knew she wasn't worried a lick, and she smiled on back at Shane when he touched her elbow light. )

[info]forthem in [info]rooms

nashtons - sleepy hollow (pt 1)

WHO The Nashtons.
WHAT Meeting in Sleepy Hollow. (Pt 1 of 2)
WHEN After this, and before this
WHERE Tales, Sleepy Hollow.
WARNING ghosties. sads? so much sads.
She tried not to be angry with herself, but it came easily now. Even more easily than it had before. Blame was so simple to her, especially when it came to throwing it on herself. )

[info]forthem in [info]rooms

nashtons - sleepy hollow (pt 2)

WHO The Nashtons.
WHAT Meeting in Sleepy Hollow. (Pt 2 of 2)
WHEN After this, and before this
WHERE Tales, Sleepy Hollow.
WARNING ghosties. sads? so much sads.
His powers were a riddle to him that he had to keep close in case she just didn’t understand. )

[info]forthem in [info]rooms

selina k, bats & birds, muerte, eddie n

[All of this is handwritten in her messy, girlish hand.]

[locked to selina k.]


[locked to batfam+]

Mandatory check-in. I'm living with a squat, old witch who insists on making me learn how to cook frog stew. Now your turn.

[locked to muerte.]

[She's not sure if this will go through, but she can't help but try. Pen press then eventually:] Hi.

[locked to eddie n.]

[She's been gone most of the day with Agnes. Eventually, midway through the afternoon he gets this locked to him.]