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September 21st, 2014

[info]atomic26 in [info]rooms


Hey people, Stark Tower power is going to go down for five minutes.

[And that's all the warning they get! Everything goes dark without so much of a flicker.

Addendum: Fifteen minutes later, power is back on.]

[info]noshadow in [info]rooms

Hotel: Jack R/Open

[A lot of Jack's time on the journals was spent trying not to pry, glancing over posts and comments without giving them a lot of attention. One couldn't be on them though, without noticing a few things. The two largest doors were Marvel and DC, the latter being the one that Eddie was in. He'd heard a lot about Gotham from the man with the tattoos who loved his Stephanie and his city, but he'd also learned that Gotham wasn't for him. The door was more than that particular city though, and he ventured in to simply explore, see if he felt anything that said he should stay.

No parts called out to him and the only thing that stuck firmly in his mind was what Eddie had to say: that he could make a lot of money there. It wasn't an interest, but with it came the implication that there were a lot of people there that needed help he could provide. And that was enough of a reason to venture into the door, but not enough to stay.

Not yet. There was one other door that he wanted to check. There was no guarantee that he would feel any more at place in Marvel than he did in DC, but he wanted to at least see what the other door looked like. A quick stop to give Spot a scratch behind the ears and they were off again, the bright green nylon leash loose between them. His loafers, bought in Las Vegas and worn since, were quiet on the carpeting, but there was an accompanying rasp from his jeans as he walked.]

[info]ephemeras in [info]rooms

Hotel →TWD: Gwen, Flash, Harry, Peter (+ MJ)

[The door hadn't moved while she was standing there, waiting.

She was at the first door, first floor, and the hotel lobby was just there, within her line of vision. She was dressed practically in purple rainboots, jeans and a seafoam hoodie. She had a pack with her that included all the supplies Ms. Carter, Mr. Rogers and Doctor Banner had provided, both medical and nutritional. Her dad's old service revolver was at her hip, his old belt notched to accommodate her much smaller frame. She leaned against the crumbling wallpaper beside the door, and she willed the door not to move before the others arrived. If the door did jump, it would take hours for it to show up somewhere again, and she'd need to restart the process of combing the hallways in search of the physical markers that indicated the right door.

She was nervous, and she twisted a mauve beanie between her fingers while she tried to talk herself out of the sensation, as if some logic could somehow turn off the survival instinct in her brain. She was nervous about seeing this Peter for the first time, too, and she was nervous about Harry's deteriorating condition. She'd tried to factor the likelihood of Harry's accompanying them, but she gave up about an hour in; it all depended on the strength of his feelings for Mary Jane, and that was something she'd never felt comfortable asking. Flash was literally the only thing she wasn't worried about.

On the bright side, at least she wouldn't melt the hallway while she waited. Movement in the lobby caught her attention, and she pushed herself away from the wall and called out.] Over here!

[info]bleeenk in [info]rooms

A hotel with doors to multiple realities. Something like that could have spared so many sick team members.

Though, yeah, it also goes against pretty much everything we've been working toward for the past while.

I'm looking for my fellow Exiles and X-Men.

[info]vivreencore in [info]rooms

[locked to max m]

He picked up that someone was on his trail. He didn't make his trip this morning. The facility's empty.

I still want a beer.

[info]roomsanon in [info]rooms

DC Door Update

[As promised, the now empty Gotham Zoo goes up in a series of bird-ninja executed explosions late Sunday night. There are no animals in the zoo when the place explodes and hopefully no people. The smoking crater left behind serves as a reminder to what happens when people abuse animals while this particular Robin is around.]

[info]parvenu in [info]rooms


So aside from murdering public servants on national tv, what the fuck happens in this town?