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July 16th, 2014

[info]ephemeras in [info]rooms

Jason T, Dick G, Damian T, Bruce B, Peter P

[Unwitting lock to Jason T]
[During this.]

Hey, James Dean. A boy usually texts a girl after making out with her all over the lawn.

[Group lock to Dick G, Damian T & Bruce B]
[From the Gotham warehouse, after the above.]

Hey. My name is Gwen Stacy, and we have a problem.

[Voicemail left for Peter P]
[For whenever he gets back from his mission.]

Peter, it's Gwen. I haven't seen your webs around, but hit me up once you have a minute. [Pause.] It's important.

[info]roomsanon in [info]rooms

News: Marvel

[Stark Towers is once again in the news. Tuesday evening, as Captain America and Sharon Carter remain on the ground to keep the crowds back an unknown woman in a scarlet red uniform floats off the roof of a nearby building and into mid air. Amid the murmurs of confusion, her hands begin to glow red, then lighten into pink as spheres appear around them.

The spheres fall to screams from the crowd below and an uneasy laugh runs through the assembled fans and reporters as they seem to burst into rose petals. As the cameras run, the glass on the ground begins to shift, only a shiver at first as they lift. Between one moment and the next the shards go from broken pieces to whole sheets, molecular bonds realigned where they were once severed. Cameras on the unknown woman catch how her fists clench and then flex outward as the sheets levitate upwards and resume their place along one outer wall of Stark Tower. A second wall takes longer, but as the sun sets on New York, the light once more catches on two walls of the Tower.

Before a third can be restored, she floats through one of the open walls to the interior of the tower and recedes from sight as suddenly as she came.

It doesn't take long before the footage makes its way online and gossip sites are abuzz with speculation about the woman in the wimple. A few people comment on how there appear to be webs in a few places throughout the video keeping birds away. Was Spidey involved? What's the connection between them? Is there a connection? And what was she? The word mutant is thrown around and before the night ends flame wars between mutant supporters and their detractors erupt.]

[info]leavethenest in [info]rooms


[Private to Stephanie B N or whatever, Selina K and Bruce W.]

Something bad happened with Jason. I think Grayson and I can take care of it, but I thought you'd want to know.

[info]newhorizon in [info]rooms

quicklog: Hogsmeade Spider-Team vs Loki

[Spider-Man was in his black suit, okay, because apparently stealth was important. Jess was waiting in her wizarding robes below for the mysterious power benefactor and Nat....Nat was hiding somewhere being Nat. Spidey didn't worry much about her. Or Jess. Team-Spider had it all figured out. Right? There was one slight problem, though. His climber hairs on his feet and hands weren't really working they normally did. And, what was worse? His web shooters were acting a little like silly string. He knew it might be a problem and that he should have asked this guy to come to Marvel, but he didn't have time to freak out about that now.]

Hey, Jess. [Spidey said over the Avenger comm.] What's a witch's favorite subject in school? [At least his breaking tension jokes weren't messing up. Dramatic pause.] Spelling. [Pause.] Nat, I can hear you laughing. Don't try to hide it.

[info]forthem in [info]rooms

log: steph/eddie - patching up (2/2)

WHO The Nashtons. (2/2)
WHAT Eddie comes back all bloodied and bruised from a mission.
WHEN Recently.
WHERE Their apartment in the Citadel.
WARNING treating wounds, shirtless Eddie and Steph, lots of talking~
Eddie looked down at their hands, at her fingers moving his ring against his skin. He didn’t know why marriage was so complicated already. )

[info]forthem in [info]rooms

log: eddie/steph - patching up (1/2)

WHO The Nashtons. (1/2)
WHAT Eddie comes back all bloodied and bruised from a mission.
WHEN Recently.
WHERE Their apartment in the Citadel.
WARNING treating wounds, shirtless Eddie and Steph, lots of talking~
He was just rambling at this point, never finding a real answer to his problems. But, it felt good and it felt honest. They both needed a little of that. )

[info]forthem in [info]rooms

eddie n.

[locked to eddie n.]

[Her conversation with Damian and news articles regarding the two bodies found.]

[info]soundofwings in [info]rooms

[Damian W, Dick G]

[Like picking up in the middle of a conversation, no context, filtered to those two she knows might know.]

What is that?

[info]ex_cupboard719 in [info]rooms


The last time I started writing people in books, it didn't turn out so well.

[info]imnotlegolas in [info]rooms

Avengers +, Natasha R, Steve R

[Avengers +]
Do we have any idea at all of what broke the glass at the Tower? Cause I got bubkiss from my perimeter searches.

[Natasha R]
I do believe I owe you a bottle of JRC for coming back in one piece.

[Steve R]
I'm...sorry about the crap I said to you before. I just...well waking up and learning that there's a door connecting our world to another and then invasions and everything else...I haven't had much downtime to get my head back on straight since Loki fucked with it.

So I'm sorry I lashed out at you like I did.

[info]hauntedsoul in [info]rooms

narrative: graham

Who: Graham
What: Narrative: post-Woodbury.
Where: Gotham.
When: Nowish.
Warnings/Rating: Some mentions of violence and ouchies.

Naked, bloodied, and looking like he'd gone through hell, Graham tried to sit up. )

[info]hauntedsoul in [info]rooms

shane a., clem m.

[locked to shane a.]

the hell r u. ok?

[Added:] clem's in some gatsby door.

[locked to clem m.]


[info]upintheclouds in [info]rooms

Locked: Dick/Babs

[Locked to Barbara G]

We've got a problem.

[Locked to Tim D]

Have you, or anyone around you, heard or said the phrase "at least in can't get worse" in the last 24 hours?

[info]isalwaysangry in [info]rooms

Avengers+, Steve R

[Lock to Avengers+]

The explosion at Stark Tower was supernatural, there's no other explanation for why the foundation wouldn't be shaken, and the surrounding buildings to be shared. I think it was controlled too, if it was sloppy, we'd see more damage outside of the glass. I was suspicious at first it might be one of the Pulse people, but they don't have this type of control. I've heard that the Pulse people were experimented on, and I wonder if whoever did that might have been able to modify what they've learned and were testing it out. There are two other people I know who would target Tony's building, Ra's al Ghul and Loki. Since no one got severely injured, this feels like a test, or like a message. The rest of you are better when it comes to strategy and combat analysis though. All I'm saying is I'm fairly sure it wasn't done by natural means.

[Lock to Steve R]

I have to go somewhere, and I can't explain why right now, but I promise it's very important. I'll have my tablet with me for emergencies.

[Locked to Selina K]


[Crossed out immediately.]

[info]youhitjackpot in [info]rooms

peter p., pepper p., gwen stacy

[locked to peter p.]

[After seeing the news and getting some second-hand accounts from people on sight.] You tangoing with witches now?

[call to pepper p.]

[Early Wednesday morning, before her post to Peter. Ring, ring.]

[locked to gwen s.]

[After Peter doesn't respond.] Hey, you. Heard from Peter lately?

[info]bloodprince in [info]rooms


Please tell me that was a joke when I saw a calendar saying that the year was 1999.

[info]sueasadsong in [info]rooms

graham r, clementine m

[Locked to Graham and Clementine]

My sister informed me she would like you to come visit us. We're in Gatsby. I can send a car to wherever you step through and/or give you the address. You are free to stay as long as you like, we have guest rooms. I appreciate everything you did to keep her safe and happy in that world.

[info]cheerhappy in [info]rooms

Xavier's, Storm, Ra's, Helen M, Bruce B, Dick G, Erik L

[Xavier's Mansion]
I'm ordering pizza for tonight. What does everyone want?

Would it be possible to get more fighting training?

Still out there?

[Helen M & Bruce B]
How's it going?

[Dick G]
How're the legs? Does your brother still hate the idea of me?

[Erik L]
How are you?

[info]theforce in [info]rooms

Damian W

[Locked to Damian W.]

What the fuck is going on in Gotham?

[info]ex_brother217 in [info]rooms

Narrative: Callum Alexander

Who: Callum Alexander
What: A narrative
Where: His apartment -> bar -> motel -> back home
When: After this.
Warnings/Rating: Some mentions of sex, nothing explicit.

This place wasn't all it was cracked up to be. )

[info]raider in [info]rooms


Who: Ragnar and Lagertha
What: Arrival at Hedeby
Where: Hedeby, Vikings Door
When: Currentish
Warnings/Rating: Violence likely.

It could have been a town like any other in the North, with hay coating wood arched roofs and houses cradled between mountains on one side and rounded hills on the others. There was no river though, no streams or lakes, but there were plenty of mountains within walking distance drenched in white. The sprint melt would bring plenty of water, Ragnar knew. But, judging on the distance and from what he knew of the village, it was close to several rivers, but not on the water itself. And these people were not farmers. There were no great tracks of land devoted to grains or bees, but all around the town there were the signs of small campsites, spits and tanning racks. Traders, then. A days travel and they could be at one of two rivers and from there trade with all the north lands. And given their proximity to the mountain ranges, they had access to animals that others did not.

They were fine furs, decorating the shoulders of men and the backs of women, but Ragnar had a taste for raiding. He was quiet as they rode into the village Lagertha called her (new) home. The place was not like Kattegat, the air different, heavy, burdened. Trade and an iron fist ruled here. His nose twitched, a pull of muscle and skin, a momentary shift before settling into muted curiosity as he followed her lead to the long hall where her new husband was. Would her husband, Sigvard, remember her? Or was she alone in knowing what the future held?

A few gazes lingered a little too long on her, a small tip of the head -- they knew her. She was not alone. If her husband knew her -- his lips pursed rapidly, jaw flexing and rolling, a sure sign of his displeasure to anyone that knew him, but he said nothing until they entered the dark hall of Sigvard. The man himself was older, older even than Earl Haraldson had been, but the hall was quiet though there were plenty of men and women within.

[info]maldito in [info]rooms

Amelia T, Alexanders, Maggie D, ETA: Joey A

[During this.]

[Locked to Amelia T]
the fuck are you and the kid?

[Locked to Alexanders+]
we got out

[Locked to Maggie D]

ETA: [Locked to Joey A]
need you to find Cal

[info]ephemeras in [info]rooms

Batcave: Bruce B, Gwen S (Carnage)

Who: Gwen, Banner (and, eventually, Jason!Carnage)
What: Science and then bad shit?
Where: The Batcave
When: In progress
Warnings/Rating: Probably violence

She'd replicated the sonic frequency on three modified units, and she'd moved on to replicating the Venom suit. It had taken Flash, the original version of Doctor Banner, and herself months of sleepless nights to build the prototype, and fine-tuning had been done when Flash was already using the suit. But she had all the research, the design and schema, and she hoped that would cut the time down to a week, assuming she could find the materials.

Luckily, the lab in this weird and kind of creepy underground cave had pretty much everything she needed, and she'd been working without stopping for hours when Doctor Banner arrived. She didn't stop to talk. She just handed over her research, blonde hair in a messy ponytail, jeans and a Midtown High t-shirt that was faded. She need to get in touch with Harry and let him know she wouldn't be home, but it could wait until there was time for a break. Harry didn't always come home, and she didn't think he'd notice if she didn't come home either.

She still had the pervasive feeling that she shouldn't be in Gotham, regardless of what Mr. Grayson and Doctor Banner thought, and regardless of the cave's structural integrity, but she was holding out hope that Jason would be stronger than the symbiote when it came to recognition.

[info]atrophy in [info]rooms

Avengers+, with some caveats, Selina K

[Locked to Avengers+, sans Bruce B & Tony S, incl. Sharon C, Bucky B, Sam W, & Wanda M]
Here's our current status, folks:

Natasha, Jessica, and Peter are all in the Harry Potter door on a mission with an unknown timeframe. They may require backup at a moment's notice.

Dr. Banner has gone to DC to help them with a problem. I do not want anyone else going to help, unless we are asked by members of the Batfamily themselves.

Tony's status is unchanged.

Thor, I need your status. Are you still at the hospital?

Wanda, after looking at Stark Tower, is there anything you can tell us, anything you've extrapolated about the event that caused the glass to break? Clint said he didn't find anything on his search from the past couple of days. Banner had some more to say here, but nothing conclusive. I'd like you to, if you could, see what you can find out about cause.

Torunn, James, in Peter's absence, if you could split patrols of the city, it would be appreciated. Try to remain inconspicuous.

Sharon, see if S.H.I.E.L.D. has information that could be of use to us, on similar phenomena, &c.

Carol, if Thor is gone from the hospital, if you could hang out around there, keep an eye out for anything strange, I'd be grateful. Even if he is there, with Banner gone, we could use another set of eyes.

Barton, stay near the Tower and keep a lookout.

Bucky, Sam, I need to speak with the both of you.

I'll continue helping with clean-up at the site.

Any updates, feel free to add them here, or I'm going to keep my comm on.

[Locked to Selina K]
Banner is in DC.

[info]spacecowboys in [info]rooms

Robert B

[Locked to Robert B]
[Immediately on the heels of this. Messily.]

What the hell are you doing? Go home.

[info]agoodman in [info]rooms


[Locked to Loki]