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June 21st, 2014

[info]crimsonstar in [info]rooms

[After this news article]

I think I know why I am working at this newspaper. There are always strange things happening.

Is it like this through every door? I do not understand why the craziest things happen here. It doesn't happen like this back in Las Vegas.

I am not sure how this works. How can we prevent these strange things from happening?

[Mingmei isn't sure what she thinks of the strange events through the DC Door. Some things are considered bad in her life from her history and her religion, so she's not sure how this is going to work out today.]

[info]roomsanon in [info]rooms

News: DC/Gotham

[Morning servants at the Donovan Estate find all of the family's loyalest henchmen dead throughout the property. A few goons are dead around Gotham too, but a large number of the family's employees have found a new boss in Carmina Falcone, who has a much larger bank account that morning thanks to all the product the Donovans were kind enough to hand over after deciding (perhaps unwillingly) that this mob business wasn't for them. There is, of course, a very small warning making its way through Gotham's darker places: If any of the remaining Donovans (or Donovan loyalists) retaliate, the price on their head will be astronomical.]

[info]upintheclouds in [info]rooms

Dick Grayson/Damian Wayne/Claire Bennett/Bruce Banner

[Locked: Damian Wayne, Claire Bennett, and Bruce Banner]

Hello. Clair, Dr. Banner - I wanted to introduce you to my brother, Damian Wayne. I talked to him about the plan to get me on my feet again and he wanted to meet you, and he wants to be there when we do this thing.

Damian, Dr. Banner is the doctor from Marvel who cured the plague that killed me last year. Claire is also living in Marvel and I think is just a bit younger than you are.

I hope neither of you mind that I brought Damian in on this, but he's someone who I needed to okay this. And Babs, but I want to surprise her if it works.

[info]ex_brother217 in [info]rooms

Louis D

[Locked to Louis D, after this hits the news.]

Saw the news. You okay?

[info]strawman in [info]rooms


I'm trying to remember why I stayed in Gotham City for so long. It certainly wasn't the atmosphere.

[info]signpost in [info]rooms



I seek the man who possessed the claws made of bone during the events at the shopping center.