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June 12th, 2014

[info]chovahani in [info]rooms

Avengers Mansion: Jess, Nat, Wanda

Who: Natasha R, Jessica D, and Wanda M
What: Wanda has a little freak out, they come to find out what's wrong.
Where: Avengers Mansion
When: Current

Warp )

[info]spacecowboys in [info]rooms

Marvel: Selina/Harley

Who: Selina and Harley
What: Commiserating, Gotham style
Where: Selina's penthouse, Marvel
When: Immediately after this
Warnings/Rating: Unless you're the Schiava Turca in the Frick Collection? Nope!

She left the hospital without looking back. )

[info]ex_exo7637 in [info]rooms

[Public, Bucky B]

[Public, Anon]
I know I'm late to this, but I'm looking for a guy from the mall thing. Upstairs, talking about the Terminator? [...] You around? I've got some apologies to make, if you are.

[Bucky B]
[This one takes some time to work himself up to. He posts with his name, not anon for this convo.]

I think we probably should talk.

[info]shutterbugged in [info]rooms

Public, Wren H, Louis D


[A photograph. Taped in. Blue-and-red, Spiderman mid-swing, the perspective drawn in to the center of the photograph by the diagonals of the webs and the perpendicular of the buildings. Action-shot]

[Wren H]

Hi. I found you one.

[Louis D]

The waking up after the hotel played Halloween in June with us. Did that go okay? People have been [...] it's not been good. For some people. I mean. Did the hotel thing go okay?

[info]chanteuse in [info]rooms

WHO: Jude Murphy and Ella Dean
WHERE: At a club, Gatsby
WHEN: Before the event
WHAT: Jude and Ella meet randomly at her place of work.
RATING: Light!
STATUS: log; complete.

It wasn’t Vegas, there was no neon and rush, rush, rush. There were no bodies, no Ian, nothing that was more complicated than standing up on stage for four hours a week and singing the way that made her heart happy )

[info]pythia in [info]rooms

DC Log: Barbara and Zatanna

WHO: Babs and Zee
WHAT: Run ins and hellos
WHERE: The Manor
WHEN: Nowish/Recentlyish?
WARNINGS: Probably nothing

She liked to think it wasn’t the time for cravings yet, but there she was, staring at left overs and cold cuts and cheeses and vegetables and all she wanted in the entire world, she belatedly realized, was a cronut. )

[info]clearmyledger in [info]rooms

[James R]
Did you still want to help with what I need to do in Washington?

[Steve R]
I think I'll head down Sunday and meet up with Sharon then. We need to find every piece of information on this.

[James B Bucky]
I'll be
Are you still
Forget i

[info]atomic26 in [info]rooms

[Locked to James B.]

[No preamble.] Did you kill my parents?

[info]onerule in [info]rooms

tony s., helena w., eddie n.

[locked to tony s.]

[Cursor blink, blink, blink.] Are you dying?

[locked to helena w.]

[After, belatedly, seeing her post.] Helena?

[locked to eddie n.]

How are things?

[info]strikethose in [info]rooms

[locked to daniel w]

[It takes a while to decide to contact him, but when he finally does, the pen strokes are neat and brusque.]

How fares the Victorian era?

[info]willpower in [info]rooms

Gotham: League + Canary

Who: Various Justice League members and the Canary
What: Meeting
Where: Gotham -> Wayne Manor
When: Current
Warnings/Rating: Probably not?

[Hal knew he couldn't avoid what happened at the hotel forever, but couldn't didn't mean wouldn't, and staying on patrol was a damn good way at keeping the memories anywhere but at the forefront of his thoughts. Adding to his desperate bid for avoidance was the fact that they were in Gotham, where something was always going down (seriously, was there something in the water that attracted crime?) and it was almost like forgetting. Almost.

He kept them out until he was feeling that sated-not-quite-exhaustion, like after a particular good workout or a particularly strenuous fight. It was a good thing. It meant he'd get a few decent winks tonight after he took the Canary back to the Manor and started the introductions.

Jotting down a quick message to let them know he was inbound, he concentrated long enough to create a fighter jet, much like he had the last time they met with the exception of having two seats instead of one and popped the canopy open for her.] Ready to go meet the League?