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May 12th, 2014

[info]author in [info]rooms

Trystan C

[Locked to Trystan C]

What right did you have to say anything?

[info]atomic26 in [info]rooms

Public and Various.


If anyone on here actually had a nice, normal Mother's Day with their mom, I will personally send you pink carnations to honor the extremely rare sighting of a developmentally healthy adult in its natural habitat.

[Delivered to James R.]

[A suit design on drafting paper. Tony is an artist, but not really the fashion kind; his suit designs always resemble schematic sheets, and he never renders the folds of cloth or the fit of a human naturally. Instead there's a something of a standing PG Vitruvian man, depicting the suit from several angles. It's a color printout.

The suit has extremely lean lines, much leaner than Steve's, which emphasize the super soldier's shoulders and triangle figure. In contrast, these designs are, for lack of a better word, rather hipster, with close fitting legs featuring slim kevlar fittings. The waist is low, and so are the black boots, but the black belt and the torso are strongly reminiscent of WWII dress uniforms, minus the flash and the rank. Rather than 50 stars, there is one, white and prominent, circled once in navy and once in rust red, far off on one shoulder and wrapping around to the back. The fabric itself repeats the star logo in extreme detail, but the overall affect is muted navy and military green. There are black gauntlets that end in gloves. Tony has not attempted to replicate Widow's symbol, but trimmed much of the suit in more rust red. He didn't design a mask or cowl. There are no shield schematics.

Tony's note says:] Not as spangly as it could be. You like, I'll send to fabrication. - T Stark

[Locked to Death. Spelled out. D-e-a-t-h. Death.]

If I say let's talk, you're not going to challenge me to a chess game or make me eat a pomegranate.

[Bucky B.]

Can I have an MRI?

[Locked to Bruce B. and Selina K.--individually.]

Okay you two crazy kids. I can't keep up with soaps so I want to hear what's going on with you.

[Pepper P. A voice message, accessed by whatever device she finds most readily at hand.]

[Awkward Tony sounds and go.] Hi, I know you're mad at me, and I'm good with you being mad at me, but I wonde--want-- [cough] thought you could be mad at me at... dinner. With us. Out. So... clear a spot in your schedule. [Laugh.] I guess mine too. And tell me when? [Click.]

[Natasha & Steve]

[Leaving this to the two tacticians. And only them.] The new girl was telling me there are more kinds of aliens. Some of them can replicate us and not be detected. Also, I think in order to avoid future public outcry for registration that everyone seems so keen on telling me about, we ought to put together a secondary response team that doesn't fight, but gets civilians out of the damn way while the heavy hitters blow shit up. Right, that's it. Unless somebody wants to go to a Subway series game. Somebody from the office sent over tickets.

[info]jukejoint in [info]rooms

Benjamin S

[Locked to Ben S]

So, I talked to him.

[info]mareas in [info]rooms

TWD, Cell: Shane and Clem (+ Graham, eventually)

Who: Shane and Clem (+ Graham, eventually)
What: Show and tell gone wrong
Where: Graham/Shane's cell
When: Nowish
Warnings/Rating: Language, likely

Clem and Tess had found a consignment shop when they'd gone supply hunting, and Clem had piled a suitcase high with things that didn't fit a man. She was real tired of men's pants and men's shirts, and she would've taken that whole shop home to the prison if she could've done. As it was, she'd needed to sit on the suitcase to get it to closing, and she was plenty sure that Tess thought she was as vain and frivolous a woman as could be.

Clem didn't care even the smallest bit. She had clothes, and a few bars of nice smelling soap and some lipgloss from the tiny shop above the pharmacy, and it was like Christmas come in May, which was just crazy as could be for a girl raised knowing she had countless billions in the bank. But things were real changed these days, and the red dress that she slipped on after showering - washing her hair with soap that smelled liked roses and dotting her lips with gloss that tasted like cherries - that dress felt like something designer as could be. Truth was, the dress wasn't even a name brand, but she didn't care. It made her feel feminine for the first time in over a month, hem to mid-thigh and heels and underthings in the same red as the dress.

She let her hair dry, and then she went looking for Graham, because she knew she could twirl around and he would tell her how pretty she looked. She rounded into the cell he shared with Shane, a skip to her step that wasn't daunted any by the heels.

"Look-it what I got."

[info]riddlethem in [info]rooms

Who: Riddler and Catwoman
When: recently!
Where: Gotham
What: making up and then chasing down a cult
Warning: violence

Selina, from her perch in the cedar rafters, thought Eddie's entrance was all Gotham rogue. )