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April 11th, 2014

[info]spacecowboys in [info]rooms

Marvel, Banner's lab: Selina/Bruce/Tony

[Selina left the empty hotel room as soon as she finished talking to Robert. She wasn't really thrilled about going back to Marvel, especially now that she knew precisely how much trouble she'd caused. But the wheezing was getting worse, and she still tired easily after the infection she'd had during Crane's little utopia. So, she couldn't exactly bask in self-pity, could she? No.

She made her way back to Marvel.

The weeks since the surgery had been spent at the Chinatown Lab, and her key opened on the landing. And getting inside? Getting inside was simple. She was going to need to install a more challenging lock, for her own amusement.

As expected, she beat Robert there. She turned on the lights, and she settled into one of the old chairs. She was snug jeans and a black sweater, heat and dark circles and a wheeze that filled the lab with the sound of whistling. She put her head on the table, nudging a microscope aside, and she closed her eyes.]

[info]onerule in [info]rooms

batfam+, harley q., justice league

[After this goes down. And hell, in the midst of this too.]

[batfam+ lock, minus selina k.]

I need your locations. Now. We need to coordinate to cover areas with the highest presence of Joker's thugs and go from there.

[locked to harley q.]

[Impulsive and very, very angry.] I hope you're pleased with yourself.

[locked to league peoples.]

[Cursor blink.] Hello.

[info]fornothing in [info]rooms

twd, prison yard; joey/shane

[The prison didn't feel like a prison, at least not like the ones he'd spent half of his adult life in. There was a calm here despite the promise of death that loomed(& staggered & dragged decaying feet) on the other side of the tall fence. The dead seemed to have some form of consciousness, they at least had an awareness that people were on this side, its what kept them rotting and pacing at the gates. The sun was high, and everything smelled like decay. Joey didn't know if it was just in his head or actual, but the great outdoors smelled just a bit more ripe than he thought it should have, even considering that the world was apparently overrun with zombies.

It was a little after noon when he sat out in the prison yard, concrete under him where inmates once would have played basketball. Tools were spread out beside him, and Joey picked up a small wrench as he started to tighten the bolts on a camshaft gear he'd previously taken off to clean. The world might have been an obsolete graveyard, but his bike was going to shine.]

[info]skinned in [info]rooms

Public, Ben S


I don't feel so good. Is this supposed to be a perk? Five traumas, get one free?

[Ben S]

I may or may not have puked on the couch. I cleaned it up.

[ETA:] So, hey, do you mind if my friend crashes for a while? She was near the [...] thing that happened too, and I don't think she has anyone to look after her.

[info]original_snake in [info]rooms


I am tired of rat tails, dandelion root, lemongrass, nightshade, and labeling these endless ingredients. I am actually tired of the brewing process, at least for the moment. I am not god at waiting for something to happen. I do understand how these passages work, and I have this urge to travel.

Has anyone out there been traveling?

[info]hiding in [info]rooms

[Adam W]

[Locked to Adam W]

[Still as Gisele L]

Are you in the mood to travel? I'm quite tired of the lack of modern plumbing and I need to get out of here before I do something quite drastic.

[info]compute in [info]rooms

to max, kyle, and luke; public/anonymous

(locked to each separately)
Let’s call this a check in. You okay?

re: "the incident"

Am I the only one who came out not quite unscathed?

[info]clearmyledger in [info]rooms

[Bruce B]

[Locked to Bruce B]

Where do you get that tea you were bringing to the tower recently? I'd like to find some.

[info]isalwaysangry in [info]rooms

gwen s, peter p, death

[Locked to Gwen S]

I'm late on this, but I heard. Were you there? Are you all right?

[Locked to Peter P]

You still together?

[Locked to Death/Em]

I'm available again for your situation.

[Locked to Steve R]

So I had a few hours of sleep and I'm less likely to have a nervous breakdown. How are you?

(That was a joke by the way. I wasn't anywhere close to it.)
(I can't tell if jokes go through on this.)

[info]tipofthehat in [info]rooms

public, iris m


party invitation

tea party

invited: you
from: hatter
dress code: no shoes
music: invisible
date: yesterday

[Locked to Iris M]

[A much less talented drawing of this. But it was attempted.]

[info]crimsonstar in [info]rooms

Public Entry- open to DC peeps and everyone else too

I'm not really sure what I think of this place.

Who all is here? In this city called Metropolis? Other cities are here that I'd never heard of before, too. Some place called Gotham. But Hong Kong is still there. It's so strange. I've been trying to make sense heads or tails of what's happening.

And really, I'm trying to avoid what's on the news, even though I'm now a reporter and that is my job...but it's happening in Gotham and not Metropolis yet...

[info]described in [info]rooms

[Jake R]

[Locked to Jake R]

A little bird mentioned that you were here.

[info]spacecowboys in [info]rooms

Delivery: Bruce Banner

[Left for Bruce Banner]

[The day after this, there's a WayneTech USB left at the Chinatown lab. There's no note, but I'm listening flashes on the digital display as soon as it's touched. It's voice encrypted, programmed at some point during her stay in Marvel, and locked to Robert. There's no txt file, no digital instructions on the drive. There are however, two bits of information. )

[info]foundling in [info]rooms


[Locked to Avengers+]
[Just a link to this.]

[info]alittlered in [info]rooms

WHO MK and Spidey.
WHAT MK's mutation stirs up trouble, and Spidey comes to save the day.
WHEN After the Oscorp blast.
WHERE Central Park.
WARNING language, minor sads. destruction of Central Park lol.
Spider-Man was no stranger to watching people get saddled with powers even he couldn’t imagine. Scarlet Witch, Ms Marvel, and (now hauntingly similar) Jean Grey. )

[info]alittlered in [info]rooms

the henrys, public (anon), adam w.

[All post-power manifestation. She's hiding in a secluded corner of Passages, and for the first time, it's quiet in her head. Little distant whispers, but with the hotel pretty much abandoned, she has her first break since the powers appeared.]

[locked to wren h. & luke h.]



[Blessedly anonymous!] not good.

[locked to adam w.]

[Just a constant blink of the cursor. She doesn't know what to say.]

[info]lionessrises in [info]rooms


How the hell does anyone survive in this city without superpowers or extensive training?

[info]thelazarus in [info]rooms

[locked to bruce b]

[After this.]

So I hear you want to know about Helena.

[info]atomic26 in [info]rooms

[Steve R., Bruce B., Bucky B., Natasha R.]

I'm going to do this in writing because nobody needs to be saying this aloud ever, especially while Loki is on this planet, but [...] Thor didn't show up for his shift.

[info]ex_clerk820 in [info]rooms

[Saint R.]

[Saint R.]

Can we talk? Sorry I can't do that lunch. But we need to [...] talk. In the hotel?

[info]anything1 in [info]rooms

Luke H

[Locked to Luke H]
[During this conversation.]

Kid, Corvus never showed. I checked his place, and it hasn't been slept in. The hospital says he was transferred, but there's no information about where to. He sent me a text saying he'd been released, but that he was going home to rest. Corvus would come watch paint dry if I asked him to, so the text isn't reassuring.

Any chance he's with the blonde I'm not supposed to know he's seeing?

[info]ex_published349 in [info]rooms


[Coming out of the most recent drunken haze. Now with legal opium!]

Lin. You out yet?

[info]toberuled in [info]rooms


[After the public anons post. Well, and everything else. Someone's been reading.]

All this chaos, and no one even thought to call. I am wounded. Well, I only hope those affected by this terrible incident remain anonymous. Whatever the effects, and one never can tell, I doubt any good can come of the forces of 'good' tracking the lot of you down. Every good mystery requires a few test cases to resolve it.