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Friday, April 15th, 2016

    Time Event
    » PANDORA has lost her box. Amidst the chaos of the DC universes, her powers have begun acting of their own accord, and in an attempt to locate the Box and open it once more, she has inadvertently pulled people from all over the world, gathering the in what appears to be Nanda Parbat. With no locals to confirm the city is even real costumed heroes and villains alike are being pulled from their every day lives. In some cases their family and friends join them, but it remains to be seen if this is a blessing or a curse.

    Pandora herself is currently missing, but her box is somewhere hidden in the city. If it falls into the wrong hands the consequences can be devastating. It is now up to every random being drawn by her powers to work together to find a way back before it's too late and, hopefully, along the way recover the box before it can be used against all of Earth.

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