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Monday, February 29th, 2016

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    Every town has it's dirty little secrets behind their idyllic appearances, and Crescent Hills is no different. Sure, the town seems to be stuck between rustic Americana and the new age, sure it seems to have a diverse, thriving population and yeah, you have to admit that the coffee is damn good. But Crescent Hills has deep, horrifying secrets bubbling at the surface: not all of it's populous is human. The woods hide more than just animals; they obscure the secrets that the town has been trying to forget for decades. However, as the anniversary as one of the worst massacres comes closer and closer, the town residents will find that it will be harder and harder to ignore the ghosts of times past. Especially as events seem to repeat themselves in the same, gruesome pattern.

    Paranormals is a supernatural/horror gpsl focused on a town in California with a dark history on the edge of a major magical event. It will focus on both the human and supernatural elements in such a place, involving history, the occult, and of course, the horror that comes with it.


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