Roleplayers' Community's Journal
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Friday, August 21st, 2015

    Time Event

    Senior year has just begun for Scott and Stiles, and strange things are occurring. Animal attacks have been more frequent of late, with no explanation for the sudden rise, and Sheriff Stilinski and his deputies are working overtime to figure it out. When Stiles drags Scott out into the woods to find the other half of a dead body, neither of them are expecting their lives to change as much as they do.

    The Hale family are long time residents of Beacon Hills, though no one has any idea of their supernatural abilities, and the Argent family have just moved to town, lured by the news of 'animal attacks' in the area. Both groups are trying to figure out what is causing a steady stream of rogue omega werewolves to attack the town, and now a bunch of teenagers are being dragged into the middle of it.

    Beacon Hills AU is a Teen Wolf game set in 2015 and will twist the source material into something new. We will not be rehashing the show, but will be using it as inspiration to explore new areas. Original characters are welcome and encouraged in all areas of the game.

    The game is open and looking for more characters to interact with. Come and join us!

    game links
    taken PBs

    Most Wanted:
    Jackson Whittemore
    Danny Mahealani
    Isaac Lahey
    Erica Reyes
    Vernon Boyd
    Laura Hale
    Cora Hale
    Other Hales


    Havenwood, NY boasts of a long and varied history since its founding in 1661, and takes pride in the numerous agricultural and industrial endeavors it provides. However, the normal citizens of Havenwood don't really know just how varied their towns history actually is. The strange occurrences have been rationalized so much that it's simply become a charming and interesting aspect of life in Havenwood. However, lately the strange town has gotten a little too interesting since the warlock Virgil Hughes has broken free of his prison. Now it's up to the supernatural community to figure out what to do with him and help Havenwood all they can in the wake of numerous grisly murders...

    If you enjoy writing in urban fantasy, slice-of-life settings, and like both character and group driven plots, we encourage you to check us out. The Mods are always flexible, so don't hesitate to drop them your ideas, and the community is friendly and always on the lookout for new members.


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