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Saturday, March 21st, 2015

    Time Event

    What side are you going to pick?

    15 years ago, the police nearly wiped out organized crime in the city of New York. Patrick O'Meara, head of the Irish Mob managed to bring together the other mafia's within the city and form the Five Family's of New York. Together, this coalition not only survived the devestation of their ranks, but have managed to thrive and once again become a power within the city.

    A few months ago, however, Patrick O'Meara was assassinated during a police raid. At first evidence pointed at a trigger happy cop, but now it is known it wasn't the police. Did one of the other Family's make a power play? What about the rumors of a new faction having entered the underworld? Are they true and did they do it? Tensions are once again on the rise between all of the criminal elements of the city. Soon, they will have to make a choice.

    What side are you going to pick?


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