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Thursday, May 29th, 2014

    Time Event

    What happens when...

    After a Hogwarts student made an ill-fated attempt at creating a portal to leave Hogwarts at will, people from all different fandoms will begin to arrive at Hogwarts with absolutely no idea how it happened or how to get back. These are people of all ages and backgrounds who have to learn to live in an entirely new world and function. Some are magical and some are not. Some are a different sort of magical. What will happen when these people all end up together?

    Lost at Hogwarts is a character-driven panfandom roleplay game set in the Harry Potter universe. Characters will live at Hogwarts, regardless of age and be able to visit and work in Hogsmeade. They will even be able to visit London and Diagon Alley on occasion. Characters will be sorted into houses to live in and will be able to earn house points.

    ...a spell goes wrong?
    Premise // Holds
    Mod Journal // IC Journal // OOC Journal


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