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Sunday, April 27th, 2014

    Time Event


    PremiseRules & FAQHoldsApplicationWanted/Caps

    Who we are:

    An original science fiction game that borrows many of the established elements of time travel from whoverse. Things such as the conception of a time agency and a vortex manipulator have been borrowed in order to get our Agents of Time from 5062 to travel back to 2014 to cure a disease that has struck one of the planets in their local solar system. The agents have three fields; combat, sciences and communication.

    How we work:

    We have two types of characters; Agents of Time and Natives of Time. Natives only exist in the game throughout the duration of the mission that visits their time period. The missions last three months each, with one month that is set in 5062 before each mission when assignments are distributed and they are given a few lessons about the time period they are going to in order to ensure the agents can function well enough to blend in there.

    What we're looking for:

    Agents in the sciences that have a background in medicine and/or virology. Communication agents interested in recording down any history that didn't make it to 5062. Diverse played-by's.

    Holds for the Agents of Time opened 4/18.
    The game will open for play 4/27.

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