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Saturday, February 22nd, 2014

    Time Event
    Full Moon Rising
    The RPG



    Holds/Wanted Characters

    Game Canon
    St. Mungo's/Medical Info
    Wizarding Locations
    Quidditch Info


    *Plot Focused
    *Dark and Social Plots


    It's the year 2008. The past ten years have been the most idyllic ones since the Grindelwald years. Shacklebolt and his administration have focused on repairing the relationship between the pureblood who supported Voldemort and the rest of the wizarding population. Stores have reopened, new businesses are thriving, but not everything is well.

    For too long, the wizarding world has ignored and discriminated against Magical Creatures. Voldemort rallied many of them during his year in power, and the backlash has been felt afterwards. Indiscriminate attacks on Magical Creatures often have gone unpunished. When the culprits are arrested, they are found innocent because of self-defense. Werewolves and vampires have learned better than to register with the Ministry, finding it safer to deal with their conditions in the privacy of their homes.

    What no one knew or could expect was that Fenrir Greyback had started to create a new pack during the Voldemort regime. He picked children around the age of ten and bit them. No one predicted that his escape during the Battle of Hogwarts would prove so lethal.

    Greyback has spent training and bringing up his children. Now, he has a powerful pack of strong twenty year old who have no mercy or pity. He has also made connection with other magical creatures. It hasn't been easy, because Greyback is not a diplomat, but a common enemy has helped to create a strong bond between Dark creatures. With alliances and a strong pack, he's ready to strike. He's not looking to take over the world or be the next Minister. No, his only goal is to spread terror in the hearts of wizards.

    On March 15, 2008, with the full moon high in the sky, the pack finds and murders Harry Potter in front of his house and now no one is safe. Be careful.

    The Full Moon is Rising.

    Game Started March 16, 2014

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