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Friday, February 14th, 2014

    Time Event
    Metempsychosis: A Modern-Myth RPG

    Legendary romance
    is in the air...

    The Sea King and the Strategist
    ♥ Triton and Athena ♥

    "I won't lose you."

    "Same here."

    Magic and Mischief
    ♥ Mab and Puck ♥

    "Why are you hesitating?"

    "Because today is not our day to die."

    Rhythm and Romance
    ♥ Bes and Erato ♥

    "You know that little jolt of joy you get when you're working on a jigsaw puzzle, and you find these two pieces that, at first, you wouldn't have guessed go together, but they snap into place and it's a perfect fit? Snap."


    ...and many more!

    Come fall in love at Metempsychosis today!

    Now accepting applications!


    Leaky Cauldron RPG

    It's 2014, and more than 15 years have passed since the Battle of Hogwarts, and while all has not been completely peaceful in the Wizarding World, people have gotten on with things. Life. They've forged careers and built families, lived through political reformation after reformation, and the memory of Voldemort's reign has dimmed among the general public. Nothing has been forgotten, but life has a way of moving forward even if people want to live in the past. Those who are smart move with time, and those who are not stay lost in the past.

    At the center of it all has always been Diagon Alley, guarded from the mundane world by the Leaky Cauldron. At one point or another, every witch and wizard has walked through the Cauldron, their lives a fleeting impression on the old walls. Secrets and lies, hopes and dreams, lives and deaths--everything has a connection to the Leaky Cauldron. Come on in and have a pint.

    Leaky Cauldron is a mainly social game with a focus on threading, set in the present. There will be game-wide plots and challenges to keep the game moving forward, but no long-term "dark" or "political" plot is planned at this time. We want to have fun, and explore what our favorite characters are like as actual responsible adults. (*New Rule 2/14/14: Epilogue Compliance is now optional.)
    MOST WANTED: Ron Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Percy Weasley, Parvati Patil, Anthony Goldstein, Michael Corner, Luna Lovegood, Rolf Scamander, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Adrian Pucey & MORE!
    Game started 2/14/14

    Rules | Cast & Holds | Apply | Wanted
    [info]leakycauldronrp | [info]leakycauldmod | [info]leakycaldronooc

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