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Monday, December 9th, 2013

    Time Event


    And either must die at the hand of the other;
    for neither can live while the other survives.
    The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born
    as the seventh month dies!
    -- Sybill Trelawney
    False Seer, c. 1980
    s war enveloped the whole of England, a prophecy was made-- about a boy, and his defeat over the Dark Lord-- as overheard by the traitor Severus Snape. While Lord Voldemort worked tirelessly to lead a revolt against the Ministry of Magic and rebel against their acceptance of the Undesirables, he knew this prophecy could not, and would not, stand in his way for magical prosperity. Thus, it was Halloween in 1981, that the death of the heathen Harry Potter came to pass, ushering in a new era of peace and hope for all wizarding kind.
    izengamot is a Harry Potter based alternate universe roleplaying game for original and canon characters. It is based on the idea of Voldemort winning during the First Wizarding War, and borrows themes from The Hunger Games trilogy and V for Vendetta to expound upon this idea. Although they were 'officially' defeated by the end of 1982, Dumbledore falsified his own death and quietly disbanded the Order of the Phoenix, but not before planting a handful of its members into positions of power in an effort to one day destroy the Dark Lord once and for all.

    As Voldemort's reign of terror spread beyond the Wizarding World and throughout the whole of Europe, it seemed all was lost. But there is hope left, and that hope lies in Neville Longbottom, Albus Dumbledore, even Severus Snape-- and all those that remain loyal to the Order. In 2013, the day for rebellion draws closer and closer, one question remains: on what side would you fight?



    A Neverland RP: Savage Garden

    Unwanted, unloved -- these are apt descriptors for the boys and girls who come to live in Pan's Treehouse. Promised a better life and a family of sorts, their unknown role is as pawns in a centuries-long war between a band of unruly youths and a legion of undead pirates. Peter Pan is their prince in this war, and his Lost boys play the role of his generals, sworn to protect the imaginaries in their charge. In exchange for this protection - as well as everlasting life and the love they were once denied - they are expected to fulfill the terms of the blood oath: whenever a Lost needs or desires, an imaginary must allow him to feed. A small price to pay when darkness looms ahead. All must prepare for a war unlike any Neverland has seen, for the newly arisen captain of the pirate ship The Devil's Whore awaits... and he has a blood contract of his own to fulfill.



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