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Thursday, December 5th, 2013

    Time Event
    Harbor Bluffs
    The RPG



    Cast List
    Supernatural Denizens

    Most Needed Characters

    Truth is stranger than fiction and never was this statement more true than in the seemingly sleepy town of Harbor Bluffs, Massachusetts. What wicked things does the wind blow in off the sea? Do you dare take a walk in the surrounding forests at night when the howling of the nearby wolves is at its peak? For a large number of the citizens in this town, the supernatural has become the normal although they don’t go out of their way to advertise this fact. Like the rest of the world, they sweep the strange on-goings under the rug because no one would want to know the truth of the matter.

    From far and wide, though, the pull of Harbor Bluffs draws more and more of the otherworldly into its core from the werewolf pack who have made the town their home for generations to telekinetics to even witches. For every friendly supernatural creature, however there’s the danger of one who might not be as willing to live peacefully. These beings, the ones who are not content to hide in plain sight and consider themselves the rightful owners of the world, are the ones that make life dangerous for anyone considered other. Contingents of hunters, often relegated to family lines, comb the world for supernatural beings who might have stepped out of line. Or those who might in the future.

    Where will this undercover war end? And why does the otherworldly population of Harbor Bluffs continue to increase with each passing year? Something is coming to a head. When it rears it head, what side will you be on?

    Harbor Bluffs RP is currently accepting beings from all walks of life, supernatural and human alike. Please check out our supernatural denizens, rules and wanteds for more information.

    GAME BEGINS ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13th!. Join today>>>>>

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