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Tuesday, August 20th, 2013

    Time Event
    it began with twenty four fighters kidnapped for a televised arena game. the show became a runaway hit. more fighters were gathered. the arenas became grander and more diverse. the living facilities were expanded with increasing luxuries and challenges to occupy the fighters in their downtime. it has become a world of its own.

    the aliens who captured the fighters and run the arenas have only acknowledged one motive for their actions: entertainment. obviously there are those who don't believe this or simply don't care and still refuse to play by the rules. struggle and resist or accept your fate, either way, the next arena will come.

    let the games begin

    rules & faqsapplicationdropbox
    STEP RIGHT UP! Ladies, gentlemen, other beings - how would YOU like to travel the GREATEST of countries, these Uniiited States? To see the sights? Why, I bet there's places you've never even heard of! What do I have to do? I hear you ask, well, that's easy. Join the Carnival, of course! Yes, you'll be given a job. You'll be fed, have a place to sleep and be given a cut of the takings. Why, what more could a person ask for in these troubled times?

    Carnaval de la Lumière is a brand new panfandom game set in a depression era (1930s) traveling carnival. We accept fandom and original characters alike. Characters are given a role within the carnival, travel the country with it, and will often find themselves dealing with supernatural issues along with the more mundane. So if you're looking for something a little different, be sure to come and look inside the tent!

    The carnival begins August 31st - will you be along for the ride?
    The Sun Never Sets: A Harry Potter Staff RPG

        A Harry Potter Hogwarts Staff RPG

    First-years on the lake, class of 1903

    Mod Journal
    Cast List
    Daily Life

    Begins 1st Sep.
    The year is 1904. The second industrial revolution is sweeping the Muggle world, and machines are accomplishing feats only wizards could once perform. Goblins have control of Gringotts, centaurs are plotting assassinations, and vampire hunts are in full force. Colonists are returning from the Far East, Africa, Arabia, Oceania, and the Americas with new ideas and foreign magics. Muggle populations are expanding into wizarding areas, and more Muggleborns than ever are attending wizarding schools.

    It is up to you, as a professor at Hogwarts, to decide which changes to embrace, and which might endanger the magical world.


    W I L L O W B R O O K
    an original mutant rpg

    For decades, the government tortured mutants. They experimented on them, they killed them and dissected them. They kept them chained in Willowbrook State School, or "Willowbrook Asylum" as it was more accurately called by inhabitants of Staten Island. Yes - what all the residents of New York City thought was a well-meaning school for mentally handicapped children was really a house of torture. That was until 26 years ago when the mutants rebelled and took over Willowbrook. Some mutants chose to stay and form the Centurions, a group dedicated to training mutants and remaining hidden away from humans - and to just live their lives. Others, however, left and formed the Syndicate, deciding that they could never forgive humans and instead wanted to take control of them - to take over the world.

    They were not the only mutants, however, and so both sides sought to find others like them. Willowbrook finally became a true school after all, tutoring mutant students as future Centurions. For over 25 years now, they have been successful, but trouble is brewing. The Syndicate had also been recruiting, straight out of Willowbrook and under the Centurions' noses. They're closer than ever to being finally ready to take over the world.


    [info]willowbrookrpg via [info]willowbrookmods


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