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Saturday, August 10th, 2013

    Time Event
    In July 2026, Harry Potter called a press conference.

    "After 28 meaningful and richly rewarding years, I am saddened to announce that I will be leaving the Auror Office at the end of this month. I am also, however, delighted to share that I have accepted the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts instructor at Hogwarts. Come September, Harry Potter will be going back to Hogwarts.”

    Professor Potter is a fierce advocate of action-oriented lessons: Patronuses, Concealment and Tracking, Polyjuice Potion, and more await N.E.W.T.-level Defence students.

    But it wouldn’t be Harry Potter at Hogwarts if there wasn’t something brewing beneath the surface. Almost as soon as Harry sets foot on those hallowed grounds, strange things begin to happen: long-revered items go missing, vandalism besets both castle and forest, and then there’s the nagging question of what happened to the Giant Squid? With his luck and magnetic attraction for trouble, will Hogwarts be able to withstand Harry Potter—again?

    POTTLUCK is a canon-compliant next-gen game set at Hogwarts during the 2026–2027 school year. Holds open 2 AUGUST; game opens 16 AUGUST.

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