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Friday, May 3rd, 2013

    Time Event
    at the panfan comm [info]f_rogers
    ARTHUR - Ariadne needs Arthur there as a friend, both in her social life and as a colleague as dreamshare is (eventually) explored more. I'd be fine with or without a ship, so long as Ariadne's presence is addressed and she isn't ignored. I have an extended biography post for her here for anyone who would like to read my take on Ariadne. We also have an Eames and a Mal who would be thrilled to have Arthur around.
    DOM COBB - All of Inception was Dom working toward moving past his mistake with Mal and the guilt eating away at him. Well, now Mallorie is here in the Land of Make Believe. It seems like his character development options would be endless and I know Mallorie wants him around.

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