Roleplayers' Community's Journal
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Monday, April 29th, 2013

    Time Event

    Creatures of fantasy now called 'supernaturals' interact every day with humans through the mystical protection of THE VEIL.

    Some were once known as gods and goddesses, the inspiration for human fairy tales, and the foundation of human folklore. Most have adapted to a mundane life beyond THE VEIL masquerading as humans. Others have chosen to remain behind it outside of the prying reach of humanity out of fear.

    Yet, not all the supernaturals are content to have humans deceived by this convenient 'gift'. There are those who would see it destroyed along with the AGE OF REASON. A global corporation called AEGIS exists to train individuals capable of piercing THE VEIL to handle these uprisings.

    Welcome to San Francisco, CA. A very bizarre city setting established as the heart of this struggle in modern day for original fantasy, folklore, paranormal, and supernatural characters.

    The community has been around since 2010.
    Game is currently OPEN for applications from active players.


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