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Monday, April 8th, 2013

    Time Event
    an au dcu & marvel next gen game of

    Rules Cast Holds Application

    The Marvel universe and the DC universe has coexisted side by side forever. Both worlds blended so seamlessly together that not one soul had known there had been a merging on two worlds. There of course were some changes like Beatriz da Costa working for SHEILD instead of becoming a Justice League International member of Carol Danvers joining the Justice League of America instead of The Avengers. Even couples had changed as well but it was so seamless that it was unnoticeable.

    But as years go on adventurers get married, have lives and have children. Roles change, capes and cowls are passed down from one generation to the next and soon the new generation is picking up where the old one has left off. They learn like their parents before them that once you knock one baddie down, another will step up and take its place. The fight goes on, the only thing that changed is the cast.

    We are an AU Next Gen DCU and Marvel game. Check our mod journal if you have more questions or need more information.

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