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Monday, January 21st, 2013

    Time Event

    Are you tired of your boring, humdrum, average daily life? Interested in the fame and prestige that comes with being a member of an experimental research project? Have a love of science, the paranormal, the unexplained, or the unknown? Dream of meeting and bonding with new people over a common shared experience? Do you need money? Come join Project Archon and see what evolution can do for you!

    [info]labrats is a modern day mutants/superpowers RPG. We welcome diverse characters ages 18+ from a wide variety of backgrounds. Set in a research facility located in a remote part of upstate New York, our game follows the daily lives of the participants of the mysterious and strange Project Archon. We accept writers of all experience levels who are interested in exploring the adventures of normal people developing unusual abilities in a world where superpowers were previously nothing more than the stuff of dreams.

    Premise | Rules | FAQ | Holds | Directory | Wanted | Ranks | Powers
    Classes | Application | Dropbox

    Can you survive in a world where what you see
    is not what you get?

    THE GAME. A free form, original character, supernatural fantasy community set in modern day with a collection of experienced roleplayers.

    THE SETTING. Modern day San Francisco, CA. Game time rate is twice as fast as real time. One week in real time is two weeks in Bizarre City.

    THE VEIL. A mysterious force preventing mundanes from seeing Creatures of Fantasy by subconsciously tweaking what they see, hear, and feel.

    However, not all CoFs are happy with the deception. Some are determined to see The Veil torn down and bring about a new age of awareness with their Acts of Will to defy The Veil's protective influence.

    AEGIS INTERNATIONAL. Agents of the Veil who police the world and prevent Creatures of Fantasy from tearing down The Veil with outrageous displays of power.

    THE FAE TERRITORIES. Scattered territories beyond The Veil where a majority of Creatures of Fantasy live outside of mundane people's awareness.

    A location referred to as The Court harbors the Fae Queen, the most politically powerful position among The Fae, and her court.

    THE HUNTERS. Among those who can pierce The Veil, Hunters are considered extremely lethal for their combination of abilities and finely honed combat skills.

    What side will you be on?

    Mature, 18 years or older

    Chyleiah or TheMelisande

    Players are permitted to submit their own race/class guidelines. Community welcomes creativity.


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