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Sunday, September 30th, 2012

    Time Event

    ITS 1975 and things at Hogwarts are the same as ever. Caretaker Filch is still disturbingly attached to his cat, Peeves is still causing mischief for everyone and anyone but the Bloody Baron, oh! and The Dark Lord is still Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Of course, unless you're a member of Hogwarts' secret Walpurgis Society, you probably only know him as Professor Riddle rather than by his infamous alias, Lord Voldemort.

    But there is one new thing about this year and that's the appointment of Albus Dumbledore to the post of Headmaster. And unlike everyone else, he's never been completely sold on Riddle's charm. With the new Headmaster watching him so closely for sign of suspicious activity, Riddle's days as a professor just might be numbered -- so he's determined to make them count. This year at Hogwarts is going to get hectic as lines are drawn in sand and the ideological struggle that's been simmering beneath the surface of wizarding society for years comes to a full boil. Will its students be strong enough to face this battle head on, or are they just being set up for failure?



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