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Thursday, August 2nd, 2012

    Time Event

    rules ~ application ~ held/wanted/taken
    ~Directory: Males ~Directory: Females
    ~drop box ~ friends button ~ CG Secrets

    We are a small played-by roleplay community set in the developing city of Casa Grande, Arizona. Our group consists of an open-minded and diverse ensemble of writers with an even more varied cast of characters. The community allows a broad spectrum: from your everyday girl-next-door or high school jock to a Victoria's Secret employee or NBA star. Regardless, you must be realistic when devising your applicant. Our emphasis is on character development and we offer an opportunity to delve deep into that person you have always wanted to play without the distractions of supernatural talents or global collapse. Please read the rules beforehand! If your application is denied we will provide an explanation as to why. Any further questions can be posed through contacting the mods at 'the drop box'. We will be glad to answer your queries there.

    You're walking home at night, and you feel someone watching you from the shadows. Rumors of 'His' return play through your mind, and the Ministry's promises that it isn't true. You are almost home, but you're sure you can hear footsteps in the dark. What do you do?
    You dismiss it. The Ministry wouldn't lie.
    You smile. You're already one of His.
    You run. You know what's out there.
    You stalk them in return.

    'Why would the Ministry lie?' you think. Your mind must be playing tricks on you. He Who Must Not Be Named was defeated 16 years ago. The rumors of his return are just that: rumors. You duck your head and carry on toward your home, telling yourself that even though you hear someone, it must be just another late-night traveler.

    You have other things to occupy your mind. The coming spring. Your date next week. The strange stories printed by the Daily Prophet. Your horrible boss. So much more than doom and gloom prophesies.

    Just as you reach your door, you hear the soft scraping sound of someone pulling a wand from their sleeve. What do you do?

    You run inside.
    You turn to fight.
    You call for help.

    The door is right there. Right under your hand. Surely you can make it inside before before anything could happen. You tear open the door, but your assailant is too quick. While you were busy convincing yourself that the shadows are empty, she was creeping ever closer, ready to strike. She follows you in, catching the edge of the door before you can slam it shut.

    You race up the stairs, hoping to get away, wondering why this is happening. A streak of light flies over your head as you duck. She's trying to curse you! Who is this madwoman? You don't have time to check. You head for the bedroom and lock it tight behind you. You grab up your journal, hoping to get out a call for help in time. You scribble so fast and so frantically that the words are illegible and you have to try again, but just as you start, the door bursts open.

    She is there. Advancing upon you. Wand raised. "Filthy mudblood."

    You did not survive.

    You turn quickly to face your opponent, groping for your own wand. She already has hers out and sends a curse your way. You duck, just barely evading the attack, and roll awkwardly onto one side. Finally, your wand comes free and you return the attack. She is ready for you. While you were busy convincing yourself that the shadows are empty, she was preparing. She blocks you easily and advances. You scramble backward into the doorway, frantically throwing spell you can think of at her, but she blocks them all.

    As she closes in on you, the twisted, crazed smile and the maniacal gleam in her eye are the last things you ever see.

    You did not survive.

    You run from the door, not wanting to get trapped alone in your home. A curse lands behind you, where you would have been had you not moved. You race for the neighbor's house without looking backward, yelling for help the whole way.

    You reach the next door and pound frantically, calling out that you are under attack. Above you, you see the curtains flutter. Someone has looked out, has seen you. You hope that they will come to let you in, but the door remains locked.

    Your assailant is just behind you. She throws another curse, and you dodge again. Run to the next house. Knock. Scream. Still no answer. Your neighbors saw this coming. They want no part of your fate. Still your attacker follows you.

    At the third door, you wait a little longer. You saw a face in the window. A little girl, watching, transfixed. You call out to her, beg her to open the door. The widening of her eyes as she looks behind you is the only warning you get.

    You did not survive.

    We are sorry to hear about your demise. Would you like to try again?

    Rules | Characters/Holds | Application | Cast | Wanted | Mod Journal

    At War is a non-Hogwarts-centric game set in 1996, opening Friday, April 13th. It follows the lives and actions of those affected by the Second Wizarding War, be they Order, Death Eater, or something in between.

    Wanted Characters include: Sirius Black, Fleur Delacour, Order Members, Death Eaters

    You are already a Death Eater. You are already feared across the country, talking about in hushed whispers and trembling voices. They fear you because they do not know you. The Ministry cannot arrest you while you are secret, and none of your other Death Eaters would dare attack you in a Dark Alley. Who else is there to worry about?

    As you reach your door, you hear a voice behind you, commanding you to stop. You turn and look. One of those cursed Order members. Of course. You should have guessed. They've been a thorn in His side since He resumed his plans. What do you do now?

    Apparate away and warn Him.
    Stand and fight.

    You don't bother to respond to your pursuers. You simply turn on your heel and quickly travel to His home. He is still awake, even at this late hour. But then, He never sleeps. A few of your fellows in arms are up with Him. Someone must always be on hand, in case He needs them for a task.

    You do not dare talk to Him directly. Instead, you talk to that sniveler, Pettigrew. You tell him that you have been found by the Order, that they may be on to more of His followers, and you ask what you should do. Pettigrew scurries away to talk to his master.

    After he tells his tale, those cold eyes turn on you. You are sure this is the first time He has ever spoken directly to you, since you were recruited by one of His followers only recently. You stand straight and proud, ready to receive your order.

    "You are of no use to me." He raises his wand, and a flash of green is all you see.

    You did not survive.

    You turn quickly to face your opponent, groping for your own wand. Just as you suspected, members of the Order. You sneer at them and square off. You've been trained in how to fight. All of His servants have been. The better to serve Him and carry out His plans. You fling a curse at your opponent, only to have it miss.

    Suddenly, more attackers pop up out of the shadows. They are everywhere, surrounding you. You long for one of your fellow Death Eaters to be there with you, but you are outnumbered. There is nowhere to run. In a desperate attempt to escape, you turn on your heel to apperate. Halfway through the turn, you feel the sharp sting of a curse hit your back, and then the terrifying pinch of a splinching. You look down and see only half of yourself. Part of you has made it to safety. The rest has been left behind.

    You did not survive.

    You are a member of the Order of the Phoenix. You know what goes bump in the night, because you've seen it first hand. Anything could be behind you, but you aren't willing to take the risk. You race for home and the safety of your warded door. Nothing can get through that; you've made sure of it.

    You reach home and lock the door behind you, but a quick look out your window says you were just in time. A small group is gathered outside, discussing. They all wear the long black robes of Death Eaters. One of them points at your door and gestures wildly. What do you do?

    You watch, knowing you're safe.
    You call for a friend to help.
    You gather your nerves and go out for the fight.

    You know you shouldn't, but you remain glued to the window, watching what is going on outside. Your house is under so many spells that you're sure it's safe, but the longer you watch, the less sure you become.

    One by one, the group outside your door splits up and wanders off. You can no longer see them, except for one Death Eater who remains at your door. They start throwing curses at your door, but it holds firm. There isn't even a scratch. Unable to help yourself, you smile and start to taunt him through the window.

    Suddenly, there is the sound of crashing glass from the back of the house. You spin around, searching for the source of the sound. It's the rest of the Death Eaters. They banded together to break your weakest ward, and now they are all in your house. Trapped between the one behind you and the four in front of you, you pull out your wand to fight. But you are too late.

    You did not survive.

    You hurry further into your house, confident that the door will hold even against so many attackers. In your room, you find your journal and quickly send out a call for help. Your fellow Order members are always quick to respond.

    Respond they do, but only in text. Many are in the same situation as you, trapped inside their homes, surrounded by the enemy. How were they all found out? Was there a mole in the Order? Will there still be enough of an Order for it to matter?

    Downstairs, you hear the dull whump of explosions and the battering sounds of spells beating against your door. The wards are cracking. They won't hold out indefinitely. You say goodbye to your friends, then wait in front of the door with your wand out, prepared for the inevitable.

    You did not survive.

    You know the power of a strategic retreat. That's all this is. Once you reach the safety of you home, you don't stop there. Hidden all around your home are you weapons, the charms and potions and devices you've prepared for use in an attack. You gather them all up and get ready to defend yourself.

    You head upstairs, to the only breach in your defensive wards. One window is open, like an arrowslit in a castle wall. From there you can send out your own attacks, but still be protected. You rain down curses and spells from overhead, and your attackers scatter. They only fall back, though. Now they know where you are, and the fight continues as they hurl curses your way. You duck them all, smiling and confident that you can win this.

    While you kneel below the window, preparing yet another spell to throw at the Death Eaters below, one of them gets a lucky shot. The magic hits the glass of your open window and bounces off, straight at your back. The last thing you see is the eerie flash of bright green.

    You did not survive.

    You race ahead of the person behind you and double-back, using your knowledge of the area's winding alleys and streets. It doesn't take you long to come up behind your pursuer, ready to turn the tables on them. You wonder who it could be. A Death Eater? A friend, playing a prank? Perhaps a misinformed Auror, suspecting you of misdeeds?

    All wrong. It's a werewolf, and tonight is a full moon. You really should know better than to stalk your stalker.

    You did not survive

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