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Friday, June 29th, 2012

    Time Event
    Hey looking for people who are into medieval fantasy online rpgs. This is just a psl for the most part not looking for a HUGE amount of people just a few to maybe get some lines in get started? It's a Fantasy panfandom. The major worlds that have folded into one are World of Warcraft (before the Third war between the 2nd and first if you know the Lore and such.),
    Game of thrones, DnD (of course) Guild wars. (if anyone has heard of it.) Dragon age.

    And others are welcome as well. It's still being made (maps, Nations and house etc) so not alot is done yet. Most of the universes are folded into one so alot of characters don't see anything out of place really. OC's are welcome as well as Canon. Take a look and If your interested put something on the holds page so we can get to contact you RIGHT back. Looking forward to hearing and playing with you all.

    Looking for a active hulk willing to take part in action threads (If your playing the hulk thats kind of a given) as well as plot driven threads. If your interested leave a hold on the Holds page and We will jump right on it.

    don't let the muggles get you down!
    If you ask students at London University about Wenlock College, the nicest reaction you will receive is a dismissive smirk. No one has ever heard of it until they arrive on university premises, where it is universally presented as a nuthouse. Nor do its students do much to alleviate this impression, walking around in odd clothing and referencing such made up people as Waffling and Dumbledore rather than Nietzsche or Derrida. Fortunately, these oddballs keep almost entirely to themselves—no one can remember a Wenlock student ever being in one of their courses or dormitories.

    That is, until this year.

    All of a sudden, Wenlock students are enrolled in introductory chemistry courses, and literature, and philosophy, and anthropology—and worst of all, they seem to not even understand the very basic principles that other university students learned well before their A-levels. When they mutter about Gamp’s Law of Elemental Transfiguration in the middle of a physics lecture, or chuckle to each other over a history lesson on the witch burnings of the Middle Ages, students at London University have to wonder: just what do they teach at Wenlock College?

    Feigning is a next-generation, post-Hogwarts Harry Potter game focusing on the struggles of wizarding university students who find themselves suddenly required to take Muggle courses—without breaking the Statute of Secrecy. Opens 6 July.

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