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Monday, May 7th, 2012

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    Opens Thursday!

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    The defeat of the infamous dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald in 1945 never happened. Instead Dumbledore sat idly by as Grindelwald's control continued to spread through Europe. By 1978, only a few countries remained free of Grindelwald's regime of anti-muggle sentiment.

    Although it may seem overwhelming, there are fewer changes to canon at [info]crossfire than may originally be thought because of England's isolation from Grindelwald's influence. While the Order and Knights of Walpurgis (the Death Eaters of this universe) have not currently been established in-game, all characters' histories should have been relatively the same while in school and growing up. Don't take that to mean things will be boring though! Instead of being confined to England, there's potential for plots to take place in other countries as European groups and leaders work together advancing their aims. This means there's tons room for world building abroad and chances to explore your characters in these environments.

    Breaking and entering in unknown territories? Getting wrapped up into blackmail schemes in exchange for information? Hijacking? Piecing together information? Organizing coups? Only the beginning.

    Most Wanted: We'd love more "Death Eaters" (the Knights of Walpurgis in this universe!).
    Need Natives & Fae!

    We have recently redone our entire guide making it more appealing and user friendly than ever!

    As plots develop in our ever expanding game, allies are being turned against allies. There is a call for new writers and new faces to surface. Motives must be taken into account and no one is quite sure how to trust even when the other stands at their side. Is your character up to the challenge?

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