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Saturday, May 5th, 2012

    Time Event

    .and take a dive.

    In December 2010, it began. New York City was the epicenter and gods and mortals of bygone days were drawn there. Shadows of their former selves, not all remembered who they were and none knew that their lives had become playthings for Khaos.

    In March 2012, following who knows what manner of tug of war (because it is always, always a game), our gods and goddesses, our nymphs and our angels, our mortals and, yes, even our mythical animals were returned to New York City.

    They do say it's the city that never sleeps. It is only natural that the city's puppet-master never sleeps, either.

    You can try to break the cycle but whether you're Odin All-Father or Zeus Thunderer, whether you're a Queen of Hell or a Queen of Sparta, you will fail. Settle in, instead, and learn to roll with the punches.

    Applications open; 8th (23:59 EST) - 16th (23:59 EST) every month.

    Mythopoeics started in Dec. 2010 over at livejournal! For previous events, shenanigans and such please look over at our livejournal communities.

    extra slot requesthiatusdropsmod box

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    The RPG



    Plot Details
    Character Directory

    God can't save you from all your sins

    Never before has there been such a period of destruction and social turmoil for both Wizarding and Muggle alike. As Harry Potter readied himself to face Voldemort a final time, there were many who felt that the Wizarding world was teetering on the brink of a golden age. Those who stood with the Order of the Phoenix longed for a period of peace and safety, free of the dark cloud that was Tom Riddle. Those who bore the dark mark prepared to welcome a new society that embraced purity and order. Both sides clinging to ideal visions described by their leaders.

    Many would sacrifice, but none would see their ambitions bear fruit.

    when you threw your life away you let the Devil in

    With Voldemort's death, the foundation on which the power struggle had been based was shattered. Broken shards were sent in all directions, each intent on accomplishing their own illusions of power and control. With the abrupt loss of the iron control over his supporters, the death of the Dark Lord created a power vacuum that has sent all sides scrambling to fill it.

    Death eaters rally under the Lestrange brothers, Werewolves aim to increase their numbers, the Ministry fights for control, and the Order seeks to eliminate what they consider as the source of the problem. Amongst this new power struggle, the statue of secrecy has been all but destroyed. Britain is being isolated from the rest of the world, slowly being destroyed as each side battles the other.

    Like everyone and everything you drag me to hell

    WANTED: MALES, WEREWOLVES, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, George Weasley, Theodore Nott, Order Members, Death Eaters, FENRIR GREYBACK, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, Pansy Parkinson, Seamus Finnigan, and many, many more.



    This Game takes the DC universe and puts it in the Smallvile series setting.

    Smallville where it all began for Clark Kent who would later grow to be come superman. Raised with high moral ideals, he uses his incredible strength, speed, flight and various other powers to fight evil and protect the innocent. In his civilian identity he is Clark Kent, a mild-mannered reporter working for the Daily Planet in Metropolis.

    Meanwhile, billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne returns to the United States after twelve years abroad. While he plays up the role of an aloof and eccentric bachelor, he secretly embarks upon a plan to rid the city of injustice. The terrifying visage of a bat inspires Bruce to forge a new identity for himself – that of Gotham’s rooftop avenger, the Dark Knight Batman.

    Diana was the daughter of Queen Hippolyta, the first child born on Paradise Island in the three thousand year history that the immortal Amazons lived there. Indeed, her character was in many ways that of a babe in the woods, innocent and without guile. Her identity as Wonder Woman is not a secret.

    Soon these three will meet and together they will help form the worlds most powerful group of heroes they will be the one thing holding back the darkness. Other heroes will be born in this silver age of heroism. Another billionaire playboy is already on his quest for justice. Oliver Queen.

    If you Enjoyed Smallville and are in the mood for action, character development and long term storylines then this is the place for you. Join us for some fun and creativity!

    [info]smallvilledc | [info]dcusmallville | [info]thewatchtower01


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