Roleplayers' Community's Journal
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Sunday, April 22nd, 2012

    Time Event

    .have a seat please.

    In December 2010, it began. New York City was the epicenter and gods and mortals of bygone days were drawn there. Shadows of their former selves, not all remembered who they were and none knew that their lives had become playthings for Khaos.

    In March 2012, following who knows what manner of tug of war (because it is always, always a game), our gods and goddesses, our nymphs and our angels, our mortals and, yes, even our mythical animals were returned to New York City.

    They do say it's the city that never sleeps. It is only natural that the city's puppet-master never sleeps, either.

    You can try to break the cycle but whether you're Odin All-Father or Zeus Thunderer, whether you're a Queen of Hell or a Queen of Sparta, you will fail. Settle in, instead, and learn to roll with the punches.

    Applications open; 8th (23:59 EST) - 16th (23:59 EST) every month.

    Mythopoeics started in Dec. 2010 over at livejournal! For previous events, shenanigans and such please look over at our livejournal communities.

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    You've heard stories of the man with a hook for a hand. You know him as Captain Hook. Bloodthirsty, greedy, and murderous, he's craved Peter Pan's head, along with the lives of the ragtag group of boys who swear allegiance to the Boy Who Never Grows Old.

    Peter Pan might spin you that tale. But what of Hook's side? He might call into question Peter's role in child-taking. Does Peter rescue those that are Lost? Or is he bringing them to Neverland to play a part in the game set between himself and Hook? Pawns ready to fight and die for the sake of never-ending life or something much darker.

    Which side will you play? Because things are never really as black and white as they seem.

    Game created October, 2011 & Going Strong!
    Our Pirate Guide has taken under much expansion and can be viewed here!


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