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Thursday, March 29th, 2012

    Time Event

    Can you survive

    The Triangle?

    A multifandom, supernatural, dark themed, plot assisted insanejournal game. We are OC, femme, slash, het, AU, and canon-friendly.

    Seeking characters from The Vampire Diaries (especially Bonnie, Jeremy, and Alaric), True Blood (especially Pam, Bill, Jason, Arlene, Terry), Walking Dead, LOST (other fandoms, and OCs are welcome too!).

    Opened 26 February; next plot will go into play 1 April!
    Absolution - a post-war Harry Potter RPG

    The loony

    The joker

    The arrogant git

    The tomboy

    The Seeker
    and you.

    game | mods
    available/taken | premise | rules | apply | character directory

    Absolution is a post-DH game, set in the 1998-1999 school year. It focuses on the rebuilding of the wizarding world through the eyes of the students of Hogwarts and how they deal with the rebuilding of their school and the memories of what happened the previous year. Muggleborns try to return to the lives they had a year before. The children of Voldemort's supporters try to deal with the new stigma that befell them. Those who fought at the Battle try to cope with what they experienced. And everyone tries to mourn their losses and move forward.

    who will you be?

    Most Wanted: sixth years, "eighth" years, Ginny Weasley, Molly Carmichael, Cecilia Barbary, Seamus Finnigan, Hermione Granger, boys, Ravenclaws, Slytherins... and many more!

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