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Tuesday, March 13th, 2012

    Time Event
    NEW YORK CITY, NY. 1959|

    In 1959, the state and security of the nation has never been of more importance. Foreign dangers threaten to wash up on American shores from all sides. Wizards and witches of the United States of America find safety and security in the promises of the American Department of Magic, centered in New York City. Here, the nation's bravest wizards and witches join the ranks of an elite unit - the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. The DMLE has the trust of the country, to protect and serve from anything that threatens the wizarding way of life, as well as protect those wishing to harm or compromise the safety of their muggle countrymen.

    But with the changing decade come changing issues, raised stakes, and problems brewing not only overseas, but from within the very country the DMLE has lived and died to fight for. The stakes have never been higher, as the dangers stack up from internal and external forces. Will the DMLE continue to hold the weight of the country nobly and bravely on their shoulders, or will they crumble from the pressure?

    Is failure an option? Not for America, and not for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

    The Department of Magic is an AU HARRY POTTER GAME, taking place in NYC in 1959, and is looking for Aurors, Hitwizards, and other DMLE personnel, as well as those working in the American Magical Library. We're a plot-heavy, driven game interested in worldbuilding and exploring a whole other side of the wizarding world and culture away from Harry Potter's home at Hogwarts.

    Game begins March 31st!


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