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Thursday, March 1st, 2012

    Time Event
    New Alliance: A New DC/Marvel Crossover RPG



    A DC/MARVEL GAME - OPENS 3/15/12!

    Character Directory

    New Alliance is a world where the DC and Marvel Universes have always coexisted, perfectly intermingled. Their characters have either known each other before, or will meet in the future, as naturally as in any other game. Characters may be related, have gone to school together, or have any sort of history their players agree upon. This is not the Marvel Universe, nor the DC Universe – it is our own: the New Alliance Universe.



    It's 2050, by now the wizarding world has gone through mass changes since the Second War ended. One of these changed came when former Minister Shaklebolt decided that the key to a peaceful future was knowledge. With knowledge came acceptance and progress to maintain a better world. In 2030 Eolas University came the first Wizarding University.

    It is up to this new generation to decide what to do with the knowledge, if they'll use it to follow their dreams, to help wizarding kind, or for their own personal benefit. Their grandparents made a mark on the world, now it's their turn.

    Most Wanted: MEN, siblings, anything on our wanted list and so much more!

    For the Greater Good RPG (Harry Potter)

    Game Community | Premise | Rules | Other Gameplay Information | Application
    Current Characters | Available Characters
    Immediate Plot | Canon Family Information | Ministry of Magic Information and Job List | Information on Muggle Society | Information on the Class of the Chrysanthemum and the Factions

    Life changed in 1930 for every wizard and witch in London. Gellert Grindelwald killed Albus Dumbledore on a muggle street and rose to power. Nothing is like it should be. It wasn't long before Grindelwald extended his power to the muggle world as well as the magical world. Halfbloods, muggleborns, and even muggles live in fear. Breaking boundaries and rewriting old laws, he controlled everything he could see. Unhappy with just that, he stretched his power, spanning countries.

    The Class of the Chrysanthemum rose early against the dark dictator, only to be broken into factions when their leader, Cassiopeia Black, met her untimely death at the end of Grindelwald's wand. Still the Class of the Chrysanthemum fought on in factions, not knowing who to trust.

    It's war, but no one seems to know it.

    The game is set in 2001 currently. Grindelwald's is coming out publicly, eventually, with his relationship with Vlad Tepelus. The plot and arcs depend and focus on the reactions of the characters over Grindwald's decisions, his new leadership role and loyalty, and the actions he takes as a consequences that effects all. The plots also focus on relationships of current characters that unfold.

    Reopening March 5th, 2012!

    Most wanted: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Nymphadora Tonks, Andromeda Tonks, Ted Tonks, Narcissa Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Parvati Patil, Padma Patil, Alicia Spinnet, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, Rabastan Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Pansy Parkinson, Fred Weasley, Ron Weasley, and many more.

    Accepting canon characters, muggles, and [magical/muggle] original characters!

    This game is taking the DC Universe and offering it to the player. The Justice League of America follow in the footsteps of the JSA. The Teen Titans, composed of several sidekicks of the JLA, is formed. Many foes native to earth pose a threat to the peace and order of many parts of the world in a world of uncertainty heroes rise to the challenge to meet them head on. How they are played and how we get there is up to us, the players. We give you full creative license. It is all up to us, as the players. Amanda Waller,Maxwell Lord,lex Luthor and other characters are more than welcome as well as Beatriz da Costa Also known as Fire,Aquaman(Arthur Curry),Flash (Barry Allen). Rachel Roth (Raven),Bart Allen II (Kid flash),Booster Gold and blue Beetle (ted Kord), Nathaniel Adam (Captain Atom) and we cant leave out the JSA Doctor Fate(Kent V. Nelson), Doctor Mid-Nite(Pieter Cross), Flash (Jason Garrick ) Green Lantern (Alan Scott). Any others are more than welcome. Looking forward to hearing back.
    [info]leaguersmod | [info]thedcverse | [info]thedcverseooc

    Premise | Rules | Taken | Bases & Places | Holds | Apply

    WANTED )

    This game is taking the Marvel Universe and offering it to the player. Take your favorite characters and go with them to preserve the peace that is threatened by agents of chaos. How they are played and how we get there is up to us, the players. We give you full creative license. It is all up to us, as the players.Now that we have most of the important roles filled some from the mutant group are greatly NEEDED,Beast and Forge for the x-men and Warpath and Archangel for X-force as well as quicksilver. His dear sister is looking for him. anyone else missing is also welcome. Looking forward to hearing from you.
    [info]marvelversemod | [info]themarvelverse | [info]marvelverseooc

    Premise | Rules | Taken | Bases & Places | Holds | Apply | Wanted


    ✿ mythopoeics. ✿ reincarnated gods. ✿ nyc. ✿ apply

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