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Sunday, February 12th, 2012

    Time Event
    The Recruitment: AU HP Marauder-era

    A dark rumour has begun to make its way through the halls of Hogwarts, whispering the name of a new and talented wizard rising to power. At first, it was easy for students to brush it off; nothing more than gossip passing through. But now there are a few 7th year students who claim to be followers of a Dark Master, one who will rise to power and take over the Wizarding community. More importantly, they're looking for new members to recruit, whether you want to be recruited or not.

    Kidnappings in the night, brain washing, and battles are just the beginning!

    The Recruitment is an AU Marauder-era RPG. It mainly focuses on 6th & 7th year students, as well as recent graduates. Join today to see who will be recruited and become Lord Voldemort's pawns.

    Wanted: Bellatrix Black, Amycus Carrow, Rabastan Lestrange, Amelia Bones, Andromeda Black, Evan Rosier, Dorcas Meadowes, DEATH EATERS, HUFFLEPUFFS & RAVENCLAWS

    Holds | Premise | Rules | Apply

    townsquare. we want all your great ideas.

    an old-school town pb game set in providence, ri.

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