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Sunday, February 5th, 2012

    Time Event
    26 volunteers were selected to take part in a social experiment. They would give up one year of their life, to science. Upon completing the experiment, they would be rewarded handsomely. On December 31st, 2013, they would leave their lives, and be taken to a secret place referred to only as The Compound. A large block of property and a mansion completely blocked off and barricaded away from the outside world. No phones. No television, no radio. No newspapers. No letters. And no leaving, for one year. Just 26 very different individuals, all selected for very different reasons, living together, no matter what. It seemed very simple, at the time. Everything they needed would be provided... all they had to do was give up a year, and get used to hidden cameras over their shoulders.

    The days go by, and just as everyone is starting to get comfortable, that's when weird things begin to happen. Subtle changes, at first. For several days, the temperature in the house cannot be controlled, leaving parts of the house at sky-high temperatures. Then it seems like in the middle of the night, walls and hallways are changing, revealing rooms that no one seems to remember. No power or electricity for a week. Having your inner-most secrets exposed the next. Waking up one morning to find one of your housemates - maybe one of your new friends - has been removed, and replaced. And then you discover that perhaps the lot of you aren't so random at all. It seems, that each and every one of you is somehow connected...
    STARTS FEB. 12
    remodeled | restructured | reopening Feb. 3rd

    HP-verse slash

    Drop Box

    Available & Taken
    Age/Grade Chart
    7th Year Students
    6th Year Students

    Professors & Staff
    Class Schedules
    Dorm Assignments
    Prefect Rounds

    Pop Culture

    Academic Calendar
    OOC --> IC Calendar

    The year is 2022, and a lot has changed at Hogwarts since Harry Potter's days there. Peace has come to the wizarding world, and lives and families have been rebuilt. In fact, everything seems to be growing and the population is flourishing.

    Now, after the wizarding world's own baby boom in the mid 2000s, Hogwarts has had to meet a greater demand for even more young witches and wizards seeking out their magical education. And, though it was thought to be nearly impossible, the student body has seemed to outgrow the campus. So a decision was made, to separate Hogwarts into two campuses---Hogwarts School for Young Men and Hogwarts School for Young Women. This happened in 2014, when building of a second castle reached completion. This second castle, located across the lake, would be the home for all females attending Hogwarts from then on. Meanwhile, the boys remained in the Hogwarts' original castle, where the girls' dormitories were cleared out for added accommodations for more male students. Each campus is treated like an entirely separate school, with their own staff, classes and quidditch schedule. (However male and female students do get a chance to interact during Hogsmeade trips and other school functions such as formal balls.)

    'Warts follows the boys attending Hogwarts School for Young Men. It's Hogwarts as you know it [with the same houses, classes, clubs, and quidditch rivalries] only with a lot more testosterone and slashiness].

    Adds Fri, Sat, and Sun!

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