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Sunday, January 29th, 2012

    Time Event
    An AU Harry Potter, Marauder-era game.

    A dark rumour has begun to make its way through the halls of Hogwarts, whispering the name of a new and talented wizard rising to power. At first, it was easy for students to brush it off; nothing more than gossip passing through. But now there are a few 7th year students who claim to be followers of a Dark Master, one who will rise to power and take over the Wizarding community. More importantly, they're looking for new members to recruit, whether you want to be recruited or not.

    Kidnappings in the night, brain washing, and battles are just the beginning!

    The Recruitment is an AU Marauder-era RPG. It mainly focuses on 6th & 7th year students, as well as recent graduates. Join today to see who will be recruited, whether they want to be or not.

    The game opens with 7 characters!

    Holds | Premise | Rules | Apply

    There's a revolution coming, and the Brotherhood wants you to join them. For centuries, wizards have been ruling this world, building their wealth and power off the backs of muggles. It's time to end the power of the wizards and create a new world.

    Those who aren't with us should be warned. We are not asking for change politely. It is coming, and those who oppose it will be sorry. We fear nothing and we will stop for nothing, because we have the power of justice and truth on our side. Those who cling futility to the coattails of a mad king can burn with him. Those who join us will see a world of peace and prosperity such as has never been known before.

    Do you have the courage to make a better world?

    Most Wanted Characters:
    Bellatrix Lestrange, Hermione Granger, Parvati Patil, Charlie Weasley, Gideon and Fabian Prewett, active Brotherhood members, active Knights of Walpurgis
    Premise || Cast || Characters || Wanted

    Game opened January 28
    [info]theoctagon set in New York, somewhat similar to Once Upon A Time. Opens at 10 applications.
    remodeled | restructured | reopening Feb. 3rd

    HP-verse slash

    Drop Box

    Available & Taken
    Age/Grade Chart
    7th Year Students
    6th Year Students

    Professors & Staff
    Class Schedules
    Dorm Assignments
    Prefect Rounds

    Pop Culture

    Academic Calendar
    OOC --> IC Calendar

    The year is 2022, and a lot has changed at Hogwarts since Harry Potter's days there. Peace has come to the wizarding world, and lives and families have been rebuilt. In fact, everything seems to be growing and the population is flourishing.

    Now, after the wizarding world's own baby boom in the mid 2000s, Hogwarts has had to meet a greater demand for even more young witches and wizards seeking out their magical education. And, though it was thought to be nearly impossible, the student body has seemed to outgrow the campus. So a decision was made, to separate Hogwarts into two campuses---Hogwarts School for Young Men and Hogwarts School for Young Women. This happened in 2014, when building of a second castle reached completion. This second castle, located across the lake, would be the home for all females attending Hogwarts from then on. Meanwhile, the boys remained in the Hogwarts' original castle, where the girls' dormitories were cleared out for added accommodations for more male students. Each campus is treated like an entirely separate school, with their own staff, classes and quidditch schedule. (However male and female students do get a chance to interact during Hogsmeade trips and other school functions such as formal balls.)

    'Warts follows the boys attending Hogwarts School for Young Men. It's Hogwarts as you know it [with the same houses, classes, clubs, and quidditch rivalries] only with a lot more testosterone and slashiness].

    Adds Fri, Sat, and Sun!

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