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Thursday, January 12th, 2012

    Time Event
    the boomers :: a harry potter next gen rpg

    "I guess when it comes down to it
    Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up
    these are the best days of our lives."

    It's the start of 2023, the 25th Anniversary of the end of the war will be later this May. Purebloods are a dying breed, halfbloods and blood equality are wildly accepted, sentient creatures are attaining more and more equal rights with each passing day. Blood status still technically exists, but the ruling theme of this generation seems to be 'who cares? I can't believe we fought over this stuff in the past'. The elite purebloods are few and far in number, and don't hold anywhere near the social and political clout they once did. Don't let it all fool you, the Muggle and Magical worlds still remain firmly divided, and whatever Muggle struggles have happened in the past 25 years haven't breached the walls of the Wizarding world.

    For these kids, born in the baby boom after the war, life is perfect ... or as perfect as it can get when you're a witch or wizard.

    ¤ premise ¤ rules/faq ¤ family lists
    ¤ taken/available cast ¤ pb list ¤ apply

    The Boomers is a social RPG that follows the next-generation of Hogwarts students as they come of age in an incredibly peaceful society.

    [info]the_boomers NOW OPEN!

    Come join our new Original Character game where small town life clashes with Hollywood. Portage, WI is home to the filming of a hot tv show so we have roles for everyone from townies to lead actors. Now open!

    Premise | Rules | Cast | Taken/Held PB | Application
    Mod Contact | Player Contact | Wanted
    Dark AU Harry Potter time-travel game
    Premise | Characters | The story so far | Rules & Application

    They had been granted an opportunity to put right everything that had gone wrong. Can Harry save his parents? Can Draco fix it so he is never asked to kill Dumbledore? Can Peter escape the lure of the Death Eaters? Can Severus keep Lily safe? Or could they possibly make everything worse?

    Want something a little different? Looking for an AU game? A marauder-era game? A trio-era game? A game where you can play an evil Death Eater without people assuming that you are a horrible person in real life? A game where you can play an Order member with some actual opposition in-game? A game with talented players, an abundance of plot, and a promise not to die? ;-) Chronic Resurrection is a dark Harry Potter game set in 1981 and 2002 exploring the AU that arises following the inadvertent time-travel of four key individuals from 2002. We'd love it if you checked us out.
    Rating: up to NC-17, depending on player's preference for threads!

    Most wanted:
    Ron Weasley
    Armand Jugson

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