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Wednesday, January 4th, 2012

    Time Event
    The 8th Floor - a Post-War Harry Potter RPG


      The dawn of a new year is the perfect time to make resolutions. Some people resolve to diet and excercise. Some people resolve to stop smoking. Penelope Clearwater has resolved to stop gambling other people's money and to try to avoid setting anything on fire, but makes no promises. Tim Blenkinsop has resolved to come up with a less creepy explanation for why he keeps a tail in a jar. Lee Jordan's resolution is simply to avoid getting arrested. Pansy Parkinson, being perfect already, doesn't need to make any resolutions but has some suggestions for everyone else whether or not they want to hear them.

      One shadowy new group has made a dire resolution: to reveal the existence of magic to the muggle world regardless of the consequences and they've already started taking steps to force the Ministry's hand. If you're not with them, you're against them - an "enemy of wizard-kind" whose name has been posted on a list of others like you. It's a list that's growing smaller as threats are made, blood is spilled and names are crossed off once and for all.

      It's a new year in the Wizarding World and before it's over, life as we all know it will change forever.
    Mod Journal * Available Characters * Premise * Cast List * Apply

    MOST WANTED: HARRY POTTER, Muggleborns, former Slytherins, older characters.

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