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Monday, December 26th, 2011

    Time Event

    Welcome to the year 8700.
    Nothing is the same

    They say history is doomed to repeat itself if we don’t look back and learn from our mistakes. But easier said than done when your history goes back thousands of years. No one remembers the names Voldemort, Harry Potter, or Albus Dumbledore, even though they played a significant role in how history turned out; the residents of the year 8700 may not know their names, but things would have turned out a lot different for them if the events of the 1980s and 1990s hadn't unfolded as they did.

    Then again, maybe not.

    No one knows how they got there, just that one by one, people have started waking up in a time not their own. And not all of them are from the same reality either. It’s our decisions and circumstances that shape our lives, and the residents and travelers alike are about to get a crash course in just how easily their lives can be affected.

    How they choose to react to this knowledge is up to them, but one thing is certain: they won’t be the same.

    Join us if you’d like a chance to live again.

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    A cross between the movie and the show, our game takes place in the near future. Where nano technology is the newest weapon. Dr. Mindbender works with Cobra Commander using his nanites to ensure world domination. The Baroness' brother was killed and caused her journey to the Cobra Commander. For now, at least, the presidency is still safe. the team known only as GI Joe has two new members and is in a constant battle to stop Cobra Commander and his army from taking over the world.

    So this is the world we live in and not everyone knows how dangerous it is. How close they are to losing all they know to a new force. It's time to take a stand, pick a side, before it picks you. Now you know what is really standing between us, and total domination.

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