Roleplayers' Community's Journal
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Thursday, October 27th, 2011

    Time Event
    People hang on Marlene McKinnon’s every word, even the prepositions.

    And she's only one of the many awesome characters we have to over! Are you awesome? Do seek more awesomeness in your life? Do others not understand you B.A.M.F.ness? Then we need you to come and help us create so much bad-assery that the world actually implodes.

    Crescendo is an AU Marauders Era RPG taking place in 1981, when the war is in full swing. What we offer you is the chance to determine the outcome of the war not through canon or through the mods telling you where the plot will go, but through your character's actions. We believe in giving you the freedom to let your characters and plots develop as they do naturally, without having to worry about making it fit into the outcome.

    Everyone kicks ass, is friendly, and we're generally just a band of misfits having a good time. So if you think you'd be a good fit, come on over, we only bite if you ask.

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