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Sunday, September 25th, 2011

    Time Event
    As the new millennium dawns, Wizarding England is a bleak place. A failing economy and skyrocketing unemployment has most of the citizens living hand-to-mouth, strict laws seperate the muggleborns from the rest of society, and harsh punishments are visited on anyone who steps out of line. Violence and riots spring up, only to be met with force from the Ministry. The Ministry keeps its people under control by fostering a fear of muggles, leading the population to believe that muggles are one step away from discovering them, and that they would all be rounded up and killed if that happened.

    Unknown to most of the country, Voldemort and his Knights of Walpurgis run the government, ordering everything to suit their own ends. Though the population believes Voldemort to be dead (twice), he dictates everything, patient in his immortality and confident that his hiding is only temporary. At every turn, the Order tries to thwart them, but the Knights rarely use brute force anymore. The subtle weapons of propaganda and policy prove to be a deadly force, but the Order isn't beaten yet. They know Voldemort's weakness: the horcruxes. But they have to work fast. Because Voldemort has a new plan...
    So I am totally cross posting this, I am looking for a a writer or two for a long term PSL. It's going to be an Angel based plot where the team is formed of Angel, Wes, Cordy, Faith and Spike. I tried to give all the information I could here. Seriously long term, detailed, plotting, and getting a bit darker then the show would have.

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