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Tuesday, September 13th, 2011

    Time Event
    As in Rome: Historical Supernatural Game!


    The citizens of Rome, one of the most powerful empires in the ancient world, spend their days working through streets crowded with beggars and merchants. One cannot move past an alley without being flanked by a butcher working on a pig to the right, a Pagan shrine to the Goddess of the Earth on the left -- Everything set in a harmonious fashion without ever taking note to the potential of disharmony hidden directly beneath the surface. At the forum there are glances toward a gladiator arena and the platform being erected for a slave auction near the steps of the esteemed senate.

    There are grain ships sitting at the docks and men unload the bounty under the watchful leadership of man that is little more than a gang-leader. Men and women live their lives, pleading cases to Senators as they pass and then to the strong men of the street after justice refuses them. No one knows that one, the other, or both might just be a creature that would come to be known as a vampire, for at this time it is just a whispered idea of a curse rampant in the upper class.

    Stories are told, and legends are made each day on the streets of the early Roman empire. Many feel they are simply creating and telling fairy tales to keep children out of the woods when they talk about centaurs and satyrs, while the tutor working with their children grins and fidgets inside his human form -- Desperately wanting to stretch his legs as he runs through the woods. The creature within him hidden away in his mortal disguise.

    Patrician families have been infiltrated by vampires, though the word doesn’t even really exist just yet outside the race itself, and the creatures of stories are hidden throughout Rome in all her facets, hidden beneath human dress and flesh, helping or hindering as they see fit. Rome is a city built on hills, controlled by the strongest of any given moment, and ruled by whatever is being whispered on the streets.

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