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Monday, August 1st, 2011

    Time Event
    Mind Blast - Who will you be?



    In a nutshell Mind Blast is a place where you can join several different RPGs at once. One application will give you access to all the Games hosted at Mind Blast, and any future Games that are added. Mind Blast is designed to be fun, and light weight yet also keeping a high level of writing and character development. Why join us? A friendly OOC community, great RP, several different types of Games in one place and members can add new Games. We also only accept original characters in all our Games, even those based on fandoms.

    Our Current Games

    Celestial Illusions
    An Anita Blake style RPG set in the city of Las Vegas. The Master of the City went mad, and as a result an execution was sanctioned. There is now a new Master of the City, however, the switch over of power is not going smoothly though and the city's preternatural community is splitting. Those loyal to the old Master believe that there was foul play and are trying to prove that the new Master, an old friend of the former Master is responsible.

    Welcome to Las Vegas, a City where everything could change on the toss of a coin.

    Dark Pretenses
    The University of Reading, UK, is home to many students and not all of them are human. A safe haven for supernaturals, the death of several members of their community has rocked their world. Have hunters entered the area or is something more sinister at foot?

    Studying, partying, magic and vampires - just a normal University.. right?

    The world of Azzaria has been at war for centuries, all because of a mysterious stone that was stolen by an Elf. The stone has become an item of myth to many, however, there are some who never gave up hope of finding it to gain power, restore peace or simply study it. When the stone resurfaces in Stonehythe after centuries all the races of Azzaria race to find out if the sighting is real.

    Azzaria is in a time of great change. Whether it is for the better or the worst, that is yours to decide.

    Click here!

    "If it's about Carrow that bloody stubborn cow of a ship has sailed, Wilkes. It's a steamship. And all the muggles got on it and are playing banjoes and smacking spoons on their knees and making horrible music and IT HAS SAILED."

    Thorfinn Rowle is an overgrown school bully, painfully English rich kid, and can never play professional Quidditch again. Some would say he deserves it, bashing the other team’s seeker’s head in as he did, but bloody hell it was deemed an accident. He just missed the bludger, is all. When he isn't getting shot by police, he's babysitting Bellatrix and trying to be a better person (even if it's not always for the right reasons).


    "Yes well, Sirius, your definition of class?

    Bellatrix Lestrange is a fanatical powerhouse of a woman willing to do anything to bring back the Dark Lord and preserve Blood Purity. While it’s true she has poor impulse control - which results in her destroying muggle properties and accepting challenges she should have known to stay away from - Bellatrix is not always blinded by fervor. When she wishes, she can be quite articulate about her beliefs and has even devised an alternative to killing her Blood Traitor cousin.

    Resumption (HP RPG)
    RESUMPTION: a life interrupted to begin again
    A Harry Potter RPG

    Post the Second Wizarding War, many are content to go forward with their lives. Some aren’t however. Augustus Rookwood is one of those not happy in this world and the former death eater begins to make plans to make his own world, his ideal world.

    Taping into dark and forbidden magic that will bend both dimension and time, Rookwood begins collecting the citizens for this new world. Wizard and witches of his choosing who are not merely from the era he comes from, but others-both ancient and into distant future. Whether these wizard and witches want to live in this world isn’t his concern.

    There are so many questions though. Where is this place? What day is it? What country are they in? Why are there others that they don’t know or recognize but who know intimate details about their lives? This world is full of mysteries about the village and... experiments keep appearing out of nowhere.

    You are at the mercy of the council.

    - - - - -

    Wanted Characters: Croaker, Salazar Slytherin, Aberforth Dumbledore, Rabastan Lestrange, Catriona McCormack, Kirley Duke, James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Gilderoy Lockhart, Merlin, Fenrir Greyback, The Weasleys, The Malfoys, The Blacks, The Tonks, NextGen, ect.

    Opened May 26, 2011

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