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Friday, July 29th, 2011

    Time Event

    This game is taking the Marvel Universe and offering it to the player. Take your favorite characters and go with them to preserve the peace that is threatened by agents of chaos. How they are played and how we get there is up to us, the players. We give you full creative license. It is all up to us, as the players.

    Most Wanted Characters:Thor,Bruce Banner,Hercules,She-Hulk,Hank Pym (for Jan). The Vision, Wonderman,Black Panther,Jane foster,Black bolt,Reed Richards,Dr.Strange, Professor X, Cyclops,Storm,Havoc, nightcrawler,Forge,Warpath,Cable,Archangel, Iceman, Armor, Aurora,Boom-Boom,Deadpool, Box, Cannonball,Celeste Cuckoo, Rockslide,Banshee, Dazzler, Domino, Dust, Black Knight,Captain Britain (Brian Braddcok),Union Jack,Human Torch (Jim Hammond)Black Knight,Misty Knight,Colleen Wing, Black Cat, Tarantula, Shang-Chi, Iron Lad, Hulkling, Speed, Stature, Vision, Archangel, Iceman, Armor, Aurora,Boom-Boom, Box, Cannonball,Celeste Cuckoo, Chamber, Dazzler, Domino, Dust. And alot more!

    Bad guys: Crossbones,Bastion,Styker (movie or comic),Norman Osborne,The Tinkerer,The hood,Madame Masque(Giuletta Kristina Nefaria),bullseye,Doctor octopus,Eddie Brock,Cletus Kasady,(carnage),Azezel,Pyro,avalanche,Mr.sinister,Arclight, Blockbuster, Hans, Harpoon, Lady Mastermind, Malice, Omega Sentinel, Prism, Riptide, Scalphunter, Scrambler, Sunfire, Vertigo,Amelia Voght, Anne Marie Cortez, Barnacle, Chrome, Fabian Cortez, Decay, Delgado,Sebstian shaw,Apocalypse More baddies the better!

    [info]marvelversemod | [info]themarvelverse | [info]marvelverseooc

    Premise | Rules | Taken | Bases & Places | Holds | Apply | Wanted
    The Triangle: A Bermuda Triangle-based supernatural RPG
    The Triangle RPG

    Do you have what it takes to survive in The Triangle?

    As long as mankind has been traveling the seas, inexplicable events have occurred. Among the most notorious are random, mysterious disappearances and equipment malfunctions inside a triangular area between Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and the tip of Florida. No one knows what causes these malfunctions, or what happens to people who've disappeared. But you're about to find out.

    Your trip starts out normally. Calm seas, clear skies, perfect weather, nothing abnormal at all. As your craft enters the Bermuda Triangle, however, you hear an odd humming sound, that grows in intensity. Soon after, you black out, waking up some time later on a cot in a shack, unattended.

    Upon exploration, you find yourself on a beach, dotted with crude huts, inhabited by others who've been dumped here. No one knows what happened, except that the Curse of the Bermuda Triangle claimed them as a victim.

    No one is immune. Doctors, lawyers, university students in all fields of study, models, actors, singers... the famous, the infamous, and the unknown. All have been plucked from their lives and left on this mysterious island.

    If that wasn't enough, odd things happen periodically. Earthquakes shake the ground--and peoples' nerves; mountains form and crumble virtually overnight; violent storms send waves crashing against the coast. And occasionally, people disappear. They don't seem to have died--at least, no body is ever recovered. They simply vanish.
    About the Game
    The Triangle is a new, multifandom, thread-based, dark, supernatural game on InsaneJournal. There are only a couple restrictions on characters (no cartoon or anime characters); original characters and celebrity characters are welcome.

    Please check out the links below, or IM the mod at Photogenic Evan on AIM.
    | Pictures and Descriptions of Key Island Areas |
    | Rules | Game Guide | Taken Characters | Wanted Characters |
    | Holds | Application |

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