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Friday, July 8th, 2011

    Time Event
    Opening July 20th!

    Holds | Taken | Application | Rules | Questions | RPG | OCC

    What if your favorite childhood books, the books whose words you whispered in the middle of the night, suddenly began to whisper back? Even still, imagine the characters on the page springing to life before your very eyes! What if I told you… it happens- more often than you think. Those who have the gift are called Silvertongues and some have mastered the skill quite well. Others have not. Some are unaware of their ability until it is too late.

    Rather accidental, innocent in nature or purposefully hostile, somehow, villains have escaped the pages of their stories and have begun to wreck havoc on our world. But there is still hope. Heroes are gathering in wing, determined to protect the innocent. Who will you choose to be in the midst of the pandemonium? A civilian? A villain? A hero? Perhaps you’re one of the few that started it all- a Silvertongue, the product of the Myths. If you are, then beware!

    Those who have been endowed with the power have suddenly begun to disappear. Find out the cause of their disappearance and join our community! Become a player in the game of fiction turned reality!

    "The Myths" is a PanFandom RPG based on Carolina Funke's 'Inkworld Trilogy'.

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