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Wednesday, July 6th, 2011

    Time Event
    pates la crepe academy
    Welcome to an elite high school for only the best students. Here at Pâtes la Crêpe, we strive to help the student's fulfill their dreams and aid the students in achieving any and all goals... whether it's world domination or to become the best at spitballs. A word to the wise though: Anything may happen at this school, depending on the goals of those who take residence here. Safety is not a guarantee.

    We're looking for more potential people to share in all of the chaos awesomeness that is Pâtes la Crêpe Academy.
    All "wanted" characters are just what people are looking for, any character is welcome anytime!
    **If the mods don't get back to you within a couple of days and it's been like. More than a week, please b 2 poking us.

    [info]pateslacrepe | [info]plc_ooc | [info]plcmods
    dorm listings | taken/reserved/dropped | wanted | friend all | f.a.q. | school rules | teacher/student resources center


    Welcome to the Lennox House for the Mentally Insane. Your stay here will not be pleasant. Few of the doctors care about your well-being, most have their own agenda and little is actually done toward your mental rehabilitation but heavy administration of sedative drugs that tend to cause hallucination. Those who are particularly belligerent or known to cause trouble are given electric shock therapy. The lucky ones are given long stints in solitary confinement. Some patients regard the lobotomies as their only hope for salvation. These are the ones who are targeted... favored by the Asylum's more sadistic employees.

    Where do you fit in with all of the madness? Were you taken here against your own will or have you committed yourself? Or are you one of the doctor's hellbent on satisfying your own needs by taking out your frustrations on as many damned souls as possible? Maybe you're one of the few trying to help those who are hospitalized. Maybe you're a patient determined to escape. Maybe you really are crazy- either way, it may not take long behind these walls before your own sanity comes into question... or maybe those strange supernatural events that have been occurring are real after... you'll soon find yourself asking; "Is it all in my head?"

    The Lennox House RP is a PanFandomRPG, taking place in the 1950s and is loosely based on the movie "Sucker Punch."

    Most Wanted: Hover for Details

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