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Monday, July 4th, 2011

    Time Event
    New Frontiers: a nu!Trek rpg

    New Frontiers
    a nu!Trek rpg

    The year is 2259 and Captain James T. Kirk has recently embarked on his first long term space assignment commanding the U.S.S. Enterprise. Their ongoing mission is to explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations and to boldly go where no one has gone before.

    It's the same story we all know-- only different. The crew is younger, less experienced and their universe has been altered from what we knew. In other words: this isn't just your parent's fandom anymore. This is a bold new era for the characters we know and love.

    So if you like good writing, fun adventures, crazy shenanigans or even just sci-fi in general, come check us out! We won't bite-- honest.

    premise | the rules | how to apply | crew manifest | directory
    wanted characters | taken characters + pbs | holds page


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