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Tuesday, June 28th, 2011

    Time Event
    It began in March 2010. That's what the experts claim anyway and no one has been able to prove them wrong. That was when the powers first started to appear. That's when everything changed. As time went on the rumors became fact and everyone knew one undeniable fact: Superpowers are real.

    Mutants are real.

    It's been over a year since this discovery was made and the world is still adjusting. Some consider the powers to be a blessing. Others see them as a curse. All must learn to live with them though and to live in this changing world where new challenges are arising. Those with powers must ask themselves, will they be the heroes of the future? The villains? Or will they just try to live their lives in this new world?

    As for those without powers, they are left to face their own challenges. How has this changed their lives? Will they accept the newly evolved? Rejected them as freaks? Or just try to keep living their lives like always? Find out at:

    Premise | Rules | Cast | Application
    Superpowers | Taken/Held PBs | F.A.Q | Wanted

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